"The Only True Church Found In This Area," Please Read This Report...

It’s my hope that this finds you well with the same motive of serving the Lord of our God Jesus Christ. I, myself, would like to give my special thanks to you for being a part of this work, by your prayers and by you donating funds for the Lord. I am very impressed by things which are done by you. Brother Charles wrote about preacher Koimere from Monduli juu, whose throat was swelling. Immediately you responded, then Koimere made an appointment with his doctor at KCMC hospital, and brothers and sisters at the Kilimanjaro church, which is closer to that hospital, served him. Now this action has brought a big impact to the Monduli Juu church where Koimere is preaching. As I went last weekend to see him, he had a big smile on his face, telling me about what is happening to the people who knew him before the surgery, especially non-believers.They are visiting him by groups, and say we have seen the church that has unity. These people thought this young man was going to die. On my way back, I met one elderly man. When he realized I was a stranger in that area, he asked, “Where are you coming from young man?” I answered him, “From the church of Christ.”Then he said, “Where Koimere preaches?”  When I said, “Yes,” he said, “That is the only true church found in this area.” Please continue to pray that he can recover soon.

ACSOP Programs
Next week ACSOP will start another long quarter after finishing a short-course taught by Godfrey Mngoma, Clement Mebanya, and Wilfred Masawe from Morogoro. Thursday, we took first year students to the clinic for a check up of any communicable disease.

Kisongo Church Programs Improvement
The Kisongo church has improved programs by dividing children into two groups: from babies to six years old and from seven years to the time of baptism. Also we have added a new class for teenagers. Kisongo Bible school is helping to recruit some of the members to teach in some of these classes.

The Up Date From Spiritual Discipline Seminar
Two weeks ago I was at Mtowa Mbu. We had an amazing seminar there with a number of people. Last Sunday, Isaac Kusupa was at Mtowa Mbu, Maurice Gasper was at Arusha, and Charles Hubert closed the seminar at Ilkiurei. From the coming Sunday, the Seminar will shift gears to the Kisongo church. The first speaker will be brother Daniel Gaines, with an introduction of the seminar. I can’t wait to hear him.  Please pray for all these.

In His work,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
Assistant Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on April 5, 2015 .