The Year Is Off To A Great Start In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We thank our God for His abundant mercy, grace, and love. We thank our God for your fellowship in the gospel, prayers, and support of His good work in Tanzania. We are thankful to be a small part of God’s eternal purpose with hope and great expectations for the home prepared for us by our Lord. 

Our year is off to a great start. Each year more and more fellow labors join us in the greatest work that can be done, the seeking and saving of the lost. We began the year with the Tanzania Christian camp, where fourteen souls were added to the Kingdom. The team from Northport, AL conducted three campaigns resulting in eighteen souls obeying the gospel and one new place of worship being built. Our brother Gary Fallis taught two Master’s classes to nine faithful evangelists and our second year students have arrived along with our new English stream of students. Yes, the Lord is good and the year has begun. 

Sean and Anita made it home safely and are to see the doctor on Tuesday of this week. Please remember them in your prayers. I, too, made it home and have really enjoyed being back with family and holding our latest grandson, Remington, for the first time. Thank you all for your prayers for safe travels. God is good and prayers were answered. 

As of this writing, I have fourteen appointments lined up with a few dates still open. I love telling the story of God’s great love and work in Tanzania, so if you or your congregation are interested, just let me know and we will do our best to make a date. 

Update: I want to thank everyone who has helped with our travel needs. We still lack $1,800 to cover our airfare. Also, we now only lack $6,000 on the “Gospel Chariot” for the ACSOP. We cannot wait to get the transportation needed that our student body might get into the field and gain the experience they desire and need. 

Thank you all for helping us, help them, help themselves. 

We pray you have a great week in service to our God and to our fellow man. We pray God blesses each of us with an open door to reach some lost soul. Always remember, God loves you!

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on February 8, 2015 .