Recent Programs In Uganda Provide Benefit To The Work...

Dear brethren,

We greet you in the name of our precious Lord Jesus Christ hoping that you are all doing well. We do very much appreciate what you are doing in supporting us here in Uganda. During the beginning of the month of January, some students of the Uganda School of Evangelism were still in their homes. From the 8th of January 2015, youth from the churches of Christ in Busia and Namayingo District had a Youth Seminar which was hosted by the Genguluho church of Christ. The seminar ended on the 10th in the afternoon. Youth went back to the homes on Sunday the 11th after worship. A total of 150 youth attended. From 12 years to 30 years - 110, and those from 6 years to 10 years were about 40. We had about 10 teachers. I was assigned to teach the youth about “Entrepreneurship in Biblical Perspective.” Twelve youth came from Mbale, Uganda’s Eastern Region headquarter making this seminar to be considered as for the whole Region. Next year, in January, this seminar will be hosted in Mbale that is about 81 km from Lake Victoria Port of Majanji.

Ladies Program
The Ladies Program resumed on the 19th of January 2015, with 14 ladies from Kenya and Uganda. The following ladies came from Nairobi churches of Christ (1) Elizabeth Bange (2) Anne Karenge (3) Susan Makabira (4) Zipora Moses. From Lumakanda Church of Christ in Kakamega county in Western Kenya: Linet Ongiya Ambaka, she is the wife of Peter Ambaka one of our instructors. From Bar-Ober Church of Christ were: (1) Peres Achieng (2)Beatrice Akinyi (3)  Mildred  Atieno. From Tingolo Church of Christ: (1) Concepta Muruka (2) Veronica  Muruka. From Uganda: Nandwa Church of Christ: (1) Caroline Wanyama. Bwoya church of Christ: (1)Nabwire Everline (2) Nakitto Zaina.  Genguluho Church of Christ: (1) Nasanga Oliver. 

Nakitto  Zaina who has been a Muslim was baptized  by Francis Barasa into Christ for the remission of her sins. Barasa is one of our students in English speaking class.

Our short course started on the 12th January for one week. We taught “Hermeneutics” and the teachers this time were Emmanuael Mawa and Christopher  Ouma. On the 19th of January, after the short course, was when the ladies came in for another one week course. Our students from Congo missed the short-course, hoping that they will be coming during the long course, but to our surprise none came back. From what we are hearing from some people from Congo, they are saying that the support they were getting  was not enough to send to their families back home. Let us hope that they might change their heart and come to school. 

Three students from Kenya have also not reported. These are Silas Onyango, Benard Kioko, and Micheal Otieno. They told us that they will be coming, but as of now, they are still looking for school fees for their children. One student from Uganda has not reported. He has not told us the reason why, but from what we are hearing, he has gone to dig for gold. He was called Godfrey Byamungu. Last month, gold was discovered in their village and everybody in that village is in the gold business. I will inform with more details in my next report. We have two more students from Kenya who have come and one from Uganda.

Land at the School
I tried to follow up on this land. There were some forms which were missing and I will need to buy them and fill them, after which the sub county Land board will come and see the land and then resume from there to Mbale.

Change of Names at the Bank
When we went to the Bank to change the account name, they asked me money for “Search” but later they wanted us to give them form nine which we did not have. This form nine is only given to the firm that have been sending returns to the registrar  of Companies which we haven’t been doing since the 2009 when we registered “CHURCH OF CHRIST-UGANDA SCHOOL OF PREACHING LTD.”  

Last week, I was in Kampala at the registrar’s office. They told me that I have to buy  three return forms for every year at a cost of 1,000 shillings per form, that is 15 forms. When I go back they will need 50,000/= for each year, that is 250,000/=. What I heard was that the year we failed to submit our returns, there will a penalty of 200,000 per year. This I am not yet sure, because I have not taken back the form. The way I go through these forms I might need some help from an advocate who will also need some money. I will be up dating you. I wish you the best in your daily work.

Francis and Margaret Wechesa

To see Francis’ report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on February 8, 2015 .