Evangelistic Campaign And SIBS Programs In Ghana Draw Attention...

The first year of [SIBS] came to an end successfully and peacefully, as school closed for the Christmas holidays. All eleven students were in perfect condition health wise. There was also good coordination among instructors, which contributed to effective classroom learning

SIBS Programs
News of our new school continues to spread around. Interestingly, a couple of brethren called around this time about our training program. They actually wanted to find out more about the specific program being offered, particularly whether our course is all full-time or also part-time. These enquiries are also due to the fact that, some of the brethren expressing interest in the school, work during the day-time for their livelihood.  Accordingly, some are of the view that we may have to come up with an innovative program that will be beneficial to the majority of the brethren. The view is receiving attention.

Evangelism Campaign – Dobro
An evangelism campaign which was carried out in the main township of Dobro was quite successful. During the last week before holidays, there was a massive distribution of tracts, which was followed by house-to-house study and teaching of the gospel. About a third of the town was covered, as several homes and public places were visited to distribute tracts and conduct personal Bible studies. As usual, while this was new and strange to some people, others also keenly paid some attention. Eventually, the campaign was fruitful with the baptism of five people, including an ex-soldier and his wife, who gladly embraced the gospel. The couple have not only been unusually happy following their obedience to the gospel, but are equally happy to learn the “gospel” is in the Bible.

Although the church at Dobro has until now been meeting regularly at the premises of [SIBS], we have all decided to relocate the church in the middle of the town at Dobro, where it could be accessible to all who attend from all quarters. Besides the weekend student congregational visits in the area, we intend to involve students at [SIBS] in a quarterly church planting or follow-up campaigns to either start a new congregation or to strengthen an existing young congregation that need some assistance.

Seth Larbi

Posted on February 8, 2015 .