The Greatest Work Of All Times, Seeking And Saving The Lost...

Greetings Fellow Servants; 

It is with great joy that we thank you for partnering with us in the greatest work of all times, the seeking and saving of the lost. God continues to answer your prayers on behalf of all who labor in the church here in Tanzania and throughout East Africa. We thank you from the depths of our soul. 

The sweetest words every told…”Hello brother, six souls have obeyed this noon at Ushirombo town congregation. Have a good Sunday.” - (Yusuph Mdaki) Also, from our brother Michael Losotwa; “Pray for him, as he begins his journey to heaven, he is Mr. Emmanuel.” I absolutely love being a part of God’s mandate to “seek and save the lost of this world.” What a joy and privilege to be in the family of God, doing God’s will and having friends and supporters like you making it all possible. 

Just when I thought it could not get any better, it did. I received a note via Bob Turner asking about our fund raising for the ACSOP school van we need. Our goal is $24,000 and as of this writing we have received $12,000. When I shared this information with Bob, he later replied to me that an anonymous donor is willing to match up to $6,000 for this project. 

Have you ever been to Tanzania? Another such place in the world? Do you remember the challenges of safe and reliable transportation? Then you can understand, to a degree, our need for this vehicle. The van will be a tool to help us take the student body out each weekend to do personal evangelism. The van will also be used to travel during the breaks to the home villages of our students to hold gospel meetings. 

We want our student body to see and know the importance of personal evangelism. We want to lead, as a faculty, by example. We believe it is “God’s desire that all people be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4) So, we beg of you, help us reach the $6,000 balance, to be matched, that we might do God’s will more effectively. No donation is to small!

Please remember Sean and Anita as they return to the States for their medical needs. We will all fly out together tomorrow night and arrive in the States on Tuesday, if the Lord wills. We also ask that you continue to remember Stephanie’s mom, Granny, in your prayers. She once again has developed lung issues. One last prayer request, Keith Kasarjian’s wife, Kim, is awaiting some test results from a bone morrow test she had last week. Please pray that the mighty hand of God be with her and the family and that the absolutely best news possible is forthcoming from the doctors. 

We cannot thank you enough for all you have done and continue to do, making this work possible. God is in control and His work here in Tanzania is growing and growing and growing.

Until all have heard…

In Him,

Posted on February 1, 2015 .