Wagner Report - December 2016

Wagner Family Settling In
On October 14, 2015, we boarded a plane in Memphis, TN and headed toward Tanzania. In fact, this is the 2nd time during October that my wife and I flew to Tanzania. We left the first week of October to fly to Dar es Salaam to go and help Cheryl Bode. She is a fellow missionary at Chimala. She fell at her home in Chimala and fractured her L1 vertebrae. So, we flew to Dar es Salaam to help her. We took her to a special hospital in Kijabe, Kenya before returning back to the US. We then turned around a few days later and flew back to Tanzania, this time along with the family.  

After returning, we have been quite busy getting settled back into life in Tanzania. We quickly had to buy some food for the house, clean up/air out the house from being shut up for so long, and repair some issues regarding the house that occurred while we were away.  

The kids have already started in their studies for the new school year. Rena is spending a lot of time studying with the kids in their home-school material.  

Of course, being away for so long, many people wanted to come and greet us upon our return to Chimala. One of those was Situmai. If you remember, she was the girl who escaped forced labor and we were able to help her get into our school. 

Situmai continues to need help. She will start back to school in January and will need $600 for the entire year of school fees.

We will also need assistance with Amani's school fees. Amani is an orphan child that we have been helping with your support for the past two years, as both of his parents are dead. His sister is helping all she can but can barely provide for herself. Amani will be starting back to school in January and needs $800 for the year. If you can help any of these, please let me know. We thank you for helping Isaiah the last few years with student support. He has now graduated. He wants to attend medical school and is now awaiting his test results. Thank you for all of you who contributed towards his education.

Visiting the Church At Mengele
We were able to visit the small church near a corn field in western Chimala called the Mengele Church of Christ. We were able to help the congregation with windows and a door for the building to provide some security. It was good to see that the church has finished the windows and door.

CBI 2015 Graduation Ceremony
On November 6, 2015, the Chimala Bible Institute celebrated it's 2015 graduation ceremony with seven graduates. We are grateful for this hard work at the school and pray for their future success working and serving the Lord's church.

Starting in January 2016, we are going to have around 35+ students at the preacher school. We are busy doing some clean-up work around the school in preparation for the upcoming school year.  

Starting in the new school year, I will be teaching Jeremiah and Lamentations. It is shaping up to be a great year as we train me to teach other also (2 Timothy 2:2).

Thank You
We are grateful to God for allowing us to live and serve at the Chimala Mission in Tanzania. We have lived here since 2012 and we could not be here without your prayers and financial support. I echo the words of Paul in Phlippians 1:8-11: "For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

Our goals for this next year are to visit and encourage more congregations and reaching out to a much wider area. The Chimala Mission works with over 100 churches of Christ in SW Tanzania and we will do our level best to visit and encourage as many of those as we can.

Thank you for partnering with us in this work.

Chad Wagner

Posted on December 27, 2015 .