The Gospel Continues To Spread Throughout Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope you are under the protecting hands of God as we are living in a world full of uncertainty. God made man free, but we can see man everywhere in chains and troubles, while few men have dedicated themselves to move and share the free gospel of Christ. Many have made themselves agents of Satan as they don’t care who dies in their planned acts to kill. Many innocent souls are dying without the gospel because of these men.

We pray for the world and we trust our God is watching and will act in His time. Let us not stop praying. Evil is ravaging the world daily, but we have the truth in our hands. Let us be committed to make Christ known. Too many who cry for freedom, guns, bombs, and unholy summits will not bring lasting peace to the world.

We were out for weekend evangelism taking the free bread of life to those who are hungry. Many will appreciate the simple truth of the Bible and many think we are joking. Lot’s future sons-in-law thought he was joking when he told them the destruction of Sodom.

I am impressed with the opportunity to always send our students house to house. It builds them up as they are confronted with many different issues on a wide range of subjects in the field.

We continue to send our appreciation to Mission Printing, as many congregations keep coming to Wotutu to collect Mission Printing tracts, which are a great tool in our evangelistic efforts. One couple came from a far away village to get cartons of tracts which will be used in their communities daily. They said, “There is no more perfect gift to give our congregation as the years draw to an end, than to give a tool that will help a soul being transformed.” It was amazing for me to hear this, and I pray that as these tracts keep going through many hands, they will also get into their hearts which will bear fruit.

BVBIC-Wotutu: we spent our time teaching the Bible and Bible related courses to train and equip a preachers fully. We do our best not to produce half-baked preachers; that is why we do vocational training in gardening and agriculture. Most of our preachers can do this in the field and it will help them sustain life in ministry. They do practicals on a tomato farm.

Learning without playing makes Jack a dull boy. This saying is common in many societies. In Brightland Christian Academy our kids are grounded with the word daily before they start their day. Once a week, sports come up to keep them fit. Christian education is penetrating little by little.

This weekend makes a difference. Since this year started, brother Chu Elvis has been going to a community near Douala, Bekoko, for weekend evangelism. He met a Muslim man and studied the Bible with him for one day and gave him the tract “A Reply to a Muslim,” and by the special grace of God the man is French speaking. He obeyed the gospel and today was the first time in his life to worship God sitting on a chair. It was great for him and we pray that his wife and children will see his example as the days unfold. The Lord added 3 precious souls into His church over the weekend.

​Students started their exams and will end before Thursday, where we shall all move to the annual Bible lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon. We shall be involved in evangelism and lectures. We shall all return to Wotutu from Banga Bakundu to Wotutu to welcome elder Randy and wife who will arrive to start teaching a course to students and their wives, respectively. Keep them in your personal prayers for safe travel and a safe stay with us for one week.

God bless you all the more and keep you safe as you continue to invest your time, funds, and many other things that are very significant to the smooth running of the work here. Without you, I doubt if this would have been possible. We pray for you to have the grace to continue, as this work is making an impact in the lives of the students and many congregations and communities. Do your best to share this report with others.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on November 22, 2015 .