A Temporary Location Brings Tent-Meetings To Njiro Chini...

For the nearly two years of its existence, the Njiro Chini congregation has met in the home of Elly Martin, who has been a very gracious host. The church has continued steadily, but has longed for a place to call its own and for the perceived legitimacy that comes from having a distinct location. The congregation has finally been able to move to a new "temporary" location where they put up a tent. And you thought that "tent-meetings" and "tabernacle worship" were things of the past!  

We are very excited to see how God makes use of this new tool in the work of the church here. It is an exciting step in the life of our young congregation.  

I had the opportunity to travel up to Kisumu, Kenya to teach a short-course on Marriage and Family at our sister school, the Kenya School of Preaching. One of our graduates from ACSOP began the school just a few years ago. This was my first visit to the school, and I was very glad to see the ways that the Lord's kingdom is continuing to spread across East Africa. I found 20 eager students waiting for me, and we enjoyed the week together.  

We may never know all of the exponential good that comes from the work of preacher training. This is 2 Timothy 2:2 in action, "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

Daniel Gaines

To see Daniel’s report with pictures, please click here

Posted on November 22, 2015 .