God's Spokesmen In The Lord's Vineyard Of Tanzania...

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of the wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent like doves. But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues.” (Matthew 10:16-17)

As Jesus knew that His disciples would be facing hardship, He sent them to the field so that they could learn what it meant to be “God’s Spokesmen.”  As they went out, He cautioned them that they would face hardship even if they were working for the Almighty God. That being the case, these people were ready to go out and practice what they were taught and what the Spirit would bring into their remembrance. Being disciples of Jesus, we learn that principle, apply it to ourselves and use it to train others to be better equipped as hard workers in the Lord’s Vineyard. The ACSOP started a program of sending out students, two by two (which is also biblical principle) to the surrounding congregations. We trained them and told them as the Lord did to His disciples, they should be shrewd as serpents and innocent like doves since the world is against us.

Through these efforts, the students have been able to conduct 56 Bible studies, distribute 106 Bible correspondence courses and convert to Christ 16 souls. The Lord is good always if we use and apply His principles. The ACSOP is greatly thankful to the Almighty God for His power and wisdom, which enables all these things to be in place. We thank Him always for you, our dear friends, beloved brothers/sisters for your selfless desire of sharing your blessings with others in supporting us spreading the gospel and bringing the lost to Him. THANK YOU so much. May the Lord continue to keep you under His protection.

Thank you for all that you mean and do in His Kingdom.

Your servant in His Kingdom,

Charles Mwanga
Assistant Director,
Andrew Connally School of Preaching

Posted on November 1, 2015 .