For The Love Of Evangelism In Wotutu, Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ

Greetings from Cameroon, where your brothers and sisters are doing better in health and studies. We do hope you are doing great and God is blessing you for all that you are doing. Give our hugs to those around you now.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well, even though some students were sick, but they were able to get medicine from our medicine box. Brother Oponde Daniel got sick seriously and we sent him to see the doctor and he was not getting better, so we decided to send him home to meet with his wife who will be able to give him more care at home. He is diabetic, please keep him in your prayers.

Students continue to grow in many ways. Thanks be to God we have many avenues in Wotutu where our students can continue to learn from classroom, like during our early morning radio program “Back to the Bible, Wednesday Bible class, Friday prayers meeting, and weekly evangelism within and out of Wotutu. Thank you for making all of these possible for the work here.

This weekend was great for us as we have more than one invitation for lectureships. The lectureships in Cameroon are characterized with evangelism and indoor lectures. We were ready to sit on motor bikes to travel to Munyenge and Manyemen villages respectively where our school van cannot take us because of the bad roads. We must go for souls are perishing.

In BVBIC-Wotutu we learned in leadership that leaders don’t point the way, we show the way. We do our best to lead by example. I was part of the house to house evangelism. Teaching people the truth from the Bible is amazing because many will confess their errors.

Our students are always happy when weekend is approaching because it is always a time to rob from the strong man’s house if God wills. Our students stood hours upon hours with these people who were ready to give them their time and ears, but have no seat to give them. They stood up and they were humbly sharing the good news which can transform someone’s heart and make the person a new person before God.

The lectureships were a time to meet other preachers and share passions and visions with them. They were also time for us to reason together over other issues which can help us do more for the Lord.

We grow our students with habits to point the word of God to a prospect who may later become a convert. One lady came around our church premises to study circular education because we open our doors for students to come and study as they prepare for their public examination. Our youth are doing same, so they are inviting their classmates and friends and this has turned out to be an open door for us, as they will be part of the evening devotions with our students. One lady took interest to learn more about the church of Christ and we gave her a tract: The Church of Christ, Who are These People.” She read through it and came back to us and asked a series of questions. Today she was in my office after worshipping with us for the first time. sShe thought we were poor, that is why we don’t have musical instruments, haha. I laughed and that paved the way for more studies. She was really impressed with our discussion and the simplicity of New Testament worship. Keep Sonita in your prayers as we study more with her.

Sister Odilia obeyed the gospel in Wotutu. She has been studying with our students for more than a year now. The Beta batch of students started with her and she continues with the Gamma batch. She is married to a brother who is my closest neighbor now. They can listen to the truth every morning and can ask questions to me or the students anytime of the day. Keep her in your prayers. She speaks both French and English, but she is from a French background.

Brother Gilbert is my neighbor. The wife studied and gave some English tracts to him, he read them, and allow the wife to start being closer with us in studies. “What Must I Do to be Saved” is doing great things in the lives of many and our evangelistic efforts are blessed by the tracts and many others. He obeyed the gospel at the same time with the wife. It was amazing to hear him say, “I know my wife cannot bring to me what is bad.” It was amazing to me to see deep confidence over his wife that made it easy for him to allow the truth to penetrate his heart. Keep praying for the work.

This couple obeyed the gospel same time. The ease of the church to grow without much problem. When we see couples obeying together it is great because no one will persecute the other. Lately, when the lady obeyed first, it led to persecution from the husband. We are blessed to have people obey the truth without any doubt or fear.

This weekend, the Lord blessed and added 6 souls into His church in Munyenge, Manyemen and Wotutu respectively. Many thanks to Mission Printing for the number of tracts that is helping do evangelism. God bless them and keep them strong.

​Our van continues to evangelize with the name church of Christ on it. In Likomba, we saw a brother who called us to come to the community to evangelize so that by the grace of God some souls will be added to His kingdom. Keep praying for us as we move for the mass evangelism.

Keep our first ever student-wives’ course, which comes up the end of this month, in prayer. Sister Robin Martin, with elder Randy come to BVBIC-Wotutu for the first class of its kind. We are excited to see that our wives will be trained to train others in women ministry. Keep the work in your prayers.

God bless you and keep you strong. Thank you for your help and prayers for us here. God alone will be the one to reward you for your deep love and sacrifice to make things happen here. We keep you in our hearts and pray daily for you. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on November 1, 2015 .