A Campaign That Is Exciting To Read About In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great. We are also doing our best with the work entrusted in our hands. Most of our Christians, including me, are having red eyes. We commonly call it “appolo.” Keep praying for us as we move towards the dry season. We are bound to face such.

As I write this report, all 21 students who went out for campaign in different location, finished it and traveled to their different villages for a one week vacation. They made their way to Wotutu this evening to start their classes tomorrow, which will take them to the 4th of December, and it will mark the end of their first year of intensive studies.

They are reporting well in health and sound faith ready to start again tomorrow in our ever charged daily program in BVBIC-Wotutu. Keep all of us here in your prayers that we go through this quarter without any problem.    

We continue to thank God for His protection and care over us in our travel to do His work.

As the students were off from Wotutu, evangelism was not off. We continued our radio program “Back to the Bible,” and it was also time to meet our prospect. Brother Divine stood listening to the reading and explanation of God’s word, which will provoke his faith to obey the gospel.

He obeyed the gospel and invited us to study with his wife and children. We started studies with them, but they are being stubborn to the truth. They are welcoming to us whenever we knock at their door.

Our students love doing house to house. I told them in class that the more you do house-to-house evangelism, the more you see the expensive nature of your faith because house-to-house evangelism will expose you to people having different forms of belief and they hold fast what is not true. If all Christians can do evangelism, then they will not joke with their believe.

The Ngamalikum congregation witnessed growth, as our students passed by with evangelism. This is a very young congregation, which is less than 6 months old. Keep praying for them as we work with them on weekly basis.

House-to-house evangelism is a blessing and a curse depending on the situation. Some will welcome you and give you water to drink, while others mock you and even beat you. You can even see a nursing mother could not let the gospel pass by because the baby was crying. She decided to carry the baby in her hands and still paid attention to the word of God.

House-to-house is sweet, but at the same time, it can be bitter, like brother Abanda Edwin. He came back to school with pains on his body like many others because of the rainy season. The roads are bad. It is not easy to move along the street because of mud as the street in Baiyi village.

Mud cannot stop or hold back our students because we think souls, and we go for souls. By His grace, we can rob from the strong man’s house. Brother Abanda baptized a soul.

The Lord continues to add souls. For the one week campaign, the Lord added 18 precious souls to His church and 13 souls were restored back in the fold. As usual, keep the work in your prayers.

The news about Mission Printing tracts continues to spread like wild fire. Many evangelists keep coming to Wotutu to get tracts, no matter the nature of the roads now. Most evangelists, who were not able to get tracts during the last ocean container, will always smile as they meet tracts of their choice that will aid them work in their communities.

You may be surprised why children cluster by me, or maybe you are asking, “Who are they?” The orphans in the Brightland Christian orphanage were early in the church hall this morning as usual. They saw me entering the hall and they all ran towards me and embraced me and welcomed me into the hall for worship with smiles. Wow! It was amazing to see these children provoke my heart with joy as I am set to preach and feed the church. These are children who have no explanation to give why they are orphans. When I flashed my eyes back to the day each of them was admitted into the home, it provoked tears from my eyes, as I am always with them. I see their physical, spiritual, and social changes. They make me trust God more and say, “What shall I Render to the Lord for all He is Doing Towards Me?” I doubt if this home was not there what these children will have turned out to be in the future. Maybe they would have be like wild grass that grows without any control and direction. God bless you as you pray for these orphans and for those who take care of them. It is a great ministry. I am privilege to be a small part.

We have two Macedonian calls to come over and preach the saving message: Likomba Tiko and Idenau West Coast.

We express many thanks to God for you. You are just a great pillar in the work here. God bless you and watch over you. Thanks for all you do, your love, prayers, deep concern, and support. Those are the wheels that make this work move on. God will bless you when He returns to reward His servants. Faint Not! 

Please share this with others.

Elangwe and family
​By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 4, 2015 .