Robbing From The Strong Man's House To Reach The Lost In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings in the name of Jesus. I do hope you are doing great in all that you do. We are doing better, although some students and Christians of the Wotutu congregation are sick. Keep many here in your prayers.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well. Studies are going well and our students continue to grow. We can significantly see their growth from the way they handle the word now as compared to the time they came into the school. Thanks for your prayers and deep concern for the work here.

There are places that our van cannot take us because the roads are bad with much stones and mud. However, we walk happily as we go for souls. Robbing from the strong man’s house is our ultimate goal and that is the reason we exist, and that is why BVBIC-Wotutu was established.

As we preach Christ and Him crucified, we realize that many are still paying attention to their gods and ancestral belief. We traveled to the entrance to Wokoka village. They believe that a half-man half-stone image protects anyone that enters the village. If you have evil you will remain standing still. It was our first time to go there and the gospel penetrated the hearts of many as they compare the doctrine of Christ with their mixed denominational and traditional beliefs. When I see things like this with my eyes I continue to praise God because I can see our dream of training men to preach come true.

A young girl of 15 years could read and write among others in the community. Wase Pauline decided to obeyed the gospel and was baptized by brother Abanda Edwin.

She was buried with Him in baptism. Keep her in your prayers as through her devotions, many will continue to love the Lord and obey Him also. She worshiped today in Wotutu.

A brother traveled the whole night from Ndob in the Northwest region of Cameroon to Wotutu when their congregation heard about the coming of the mission printing tracts. He said, “Oh brother Elangwe, we are praying for you and those in anywhere who made these tracts possible t come to Cameroon. Many will import what brings them physical gains, but these tracts are amazing and will touch the lives of many in their community.” He was very happy and this is the first time we sent that quantity of tracts to that part of Cameroon. It will go a long way to boost the evangelistic efforts of that young congregation. Keep this work in your prayers because it is making waves.

​1) This weekend, we split our student body into groups because the invitation for weekend evangelism and Bible lectureships are more than one. Some of our students will go to the Manyemen congregation where one of our graduates, Evang Orock Yanick, will be organizing a Bible lectureship in that area. Our van can only take us to a certain extent and we continue the rest of the journey with other means of transport because the roads will not support the van. Only four wheel vehicle can do business on that road. Other groups of children will be going to the Munyenge congregation to help in house to house evangelism. Please keep these plans in your prayers as we go to rob from the strong man’s house.

2) We shall start training our student wives who are married, and we shall continue to do that at the end of quarter courses. The current students who are married are eleven, so by the end of November, their wives will travel to Wotutu to spend one week and have the maiden training with sister Robin Martin from our overseeing congregation. Keep this new program in your prayers that will help the church in Cameroon greatly. Preachers and their families are supposed to be part and parcel of the work, that is why I am happy because another dream is coming to the limelight for fulfillment.

Most at time we lack words to say, but we shall not stop to say thank you. Thank you and God bless you for all that you do to make things happen here in BVBIC-Wotutu and the work in Cameroon. God will reward you greatly in due season as you continue your work.

Do your best to share with others this report.

God bless you and family. Make a great week.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 25, 2015 .