Gaining, Grounding, Growing, Glorifying: The 4Gs At Work In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. It is another beautiful day and we had a great worship with all over here, including 4 new visitors. We were impressed to be part of our worship.

It was another day to welcome all our students who were out for mission work after their one week vacation. They came back safe and sound with good news about the work.

We continued with house to house as we share the saving message to any one we meet along the line. I was sharing the word with one lady who was eager to know more about the New Testament worship. She was bold enough to expose to me her personal life.

“Evangelism is our Mission and our Mission is Evangelism.” We continue to transplant into the heads of our students the 4 Gs, which stands for Gaining, Grounding, Growing, and Glorifying. This goal can only be attained as we go out to share the message, strengthening, developing leadership, and praising God for all His goodness.

One of our students, Etienne Loh, taught this morning about our theme “The Cross of Christ.” We took our Christians to x-ray and make more commitments to the cross. It was great because many see the reasons and deeply study the importance of the cross of Christ.

Sister Senge is a registered nurse working with the government. She came back to the church with smiles and tears saying marriage took her away from the Lord to a denomination for the past 15 years. Because my father is sick, all this while at thehospital where she is working I gave tracts out, “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Wow! She took also and said, “but where do you belong?” I told her with confidence, “I am a member of the Church of Christ.” She is happy to come back and she said, “I will not leave my God again.” Keep her in your prayers, as her husband is still strongly attached to that denomination.

Thanks be to God we were able to help someone with reading glasses. She took these glasses from me today because we have some reading glasses that we give it out to those who have problem of reading the Bible. She was happy to see the wording again today without stress. She thanked God for all those who donated the reading glasses to us. We are gradually starting a reading glasses ministry which will help many, even those who are not Christians.

Our students carried tracts to keep on the side of the road, so that the minister who came to pick up tracts will take it to his village, which is far from Wotutu. He came to Kumba town because the wife is seriously sick. He left the wife in the hospital and traveled down to Wotutu when he heard about the availability of tracts in Wotutu. He said, “if I return home without tracts it will not be easy for me to come back and get tracts. He traveled and spent one night in my home to get tracts early the next morning and return to Kumba to meet his sick wife in the hospital. He has great faith, as I saw with my eyes. Keep evangelist John Ngoe and his wife in your prayers, so that the work in their area will continue to grow, as they are devoted and committed.

The Lord added a young 22 year old, sister Ayamba, to our congregation in Wotutu. Keep her in your prayers that she will grow. Her aunt is a member and she can easily grow.

After worship today, I travel to another congregation in Bekoko for visit. They cried out to me not to leave them because they don’t have a preacher and the congregation is made of old ladies and gentlemen. The congregation was established around the 1950s or the 1960s by many Nigerians, but most of them have gone back to their country and the church continues to go down. We shall apply our 4 Gs there and we trust God for growth, as we shall start pretty soon to send our students there on weekend basis.

We were also invited to attend a lectureship in Munyenge by the end of this month, which will be more evangelistic, as our students will storm the village.

God bless you and keep you safe and sound in the faith. We thank you daily for your prayers, love, and deep concern over the work here in Cameroon. You are doing a lot to make things happen here. God alone will reward you and keep you standing fast in the things of God.

God bless you as you share this report with others in your life.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 11, 2015 .