Ten Souls Added To The Kingdom In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Love from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu. We do hope you are doing fine and the family and the church are healthy.

God continues to bless us daily in all our endeavors. He is faithful. Our students finished their long courses exams and had a week of break to prepare for the short course book of Hebrews. Because of the one week space in our program, we decided to use three precious days in the week to evangelize the Down Beach, Limbe congregation, which is a new congregation.

When we arrived at the Down Beach congregation we were set for house to house evangelism with lots of tracts.

Down Beach is closer to the Atlantic ocean, and because of it location many will come and sit beside the sea to enjoy the sea breeze. One of our students, brother Ituka Godwin, was able to study the word with someone.

I was also part of the study, as we sat with someone who came to relax on the beach. We were there to study with him, helping him understand that the best relaxation is when you are in Christ.

At Down Beach, the Lord added brother Sappor and 7 other souls helping the young Down Beach congregation grow by 8 souls within 3 days. To God be the glory.

Brother Abena John and  one other obeyed the gospel in Wotutu, making a total of 10 souls who were added to the church within the week.

Raising thumbs up is a way of life in CBIW meaning we are not alone. God is always with His people. The CBIW family keeps growing from strength to strength. The students stood on the stair case that leads to their new dormitories. By the way, CBIW students are in their new dormitories. No more renting. God bless all those who made this happen. Only God will reward them.

Elder Randy Martin arrived in Cameroon safe and he is in CBIW to teach a short course on the book of Hebrews. He is part of the overseeing eldership of CBIW. We are happy to welcome him here, as he made a speech expressing appreciation to the Wotutu congregation.

Our prison ministry is working well, as we keep reaching out to many inside the central prison in Buea. Today, elder Randy was with us in a cross section of the 56 worshippers today. The brethren are still in need of clothes and slippers. We took food, oil and kerosene to help them.

A brother said he will be released on Wednesday. He will come down to Wotutu and we shall take him to his village and connect him with the church of Christ there.

Another day of sharing love from our congregation, as sisters from the Dibanda Mile 14 congregation prepared food at home and traveled to Wotutu to visit the students of CBIW. They shared food with lots of nice smiles. Keep this congregation in your prayers.

Our students ate with smiles praising God for this gesture. It was a time to sing and share with one another, love in action.

1) We are looking forward to the Lebialem mission in November to establish a new congregation. Keep this work in your prayers as this area is predominantly Roman Catholic.

2) In the same month we shall make a long trip to Mamfe also for the annual Bible lectureship in Cameroon, if means are available to transport all our students there for mass house to house evangelism.

3) After the short course, students will travel for campaigns in different locations.

God bless you, as we thank you for all that you are doing for the work here. We give glory to God for you. Keep up the great work. God alone will reward you all. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on September 7, 2014 .