East Africa Gospel Meeting Bears Fruit...

Dear brethren,

We do once again thank you for your support. The school and the church are very thankful for what you are doing for us so as to grow spiritually.

Our  discussion  on the last day of EAGM in Arusha Tanzania
On the 6th of August 2014, I left Busia going to Arusha, Tanzania for the East Africa Gospel Meeting. The meeting was well attended and the theme this year was “God’s Promise To His Children.” I taught about God’s promise to the needs of His children.

On the 9th of August 2014, I left Arusha and stopped in Nairobi to see a brother in Christ and an old friend of mine, Eliud Odera Bange, who had a stroke. Brother Bange has been a Christian since 1980, I was the one who converted him and and we both attended the Kariobangi church of Christ in Nairobi. Since then, he moved to another location and planted a church in Koma Rock, Nairobi. He has been preaching the gospel until he had a stroke in April this year. The stroke caused him not to walk and talk. When I saw him he could stand and try to walk with support but he could still not talk although he can hear. The walk and speech therapy in Nairobi are very expensive.  The wife and I tried to raise some money for it, but it seems it will take some time and the bill is becoming big for us. If there is a way one can help, we would appreciate. We need your prayers for the health of this brother. We want him to preach again.

Brother Bange cannot talk it is now over four months
On the 14th of August 2014, we took the Congolese students to their Embassy to pay for their passports. They were told that after one month the passports will be ready. It is our prayer that they get their passport within one month, as they said, because if it will go beyond that their two month visa will be over and they will be staying in the country illegally and that can result in a fine.

The Lord’s work in Congo is growing greatly. These nine men are representing nine congregations in South Kivu. The work in North Kivu is not doing good. I do not know if there are still some Christians meeting in the town of Beni. In North Kivu we had one church in Beni and another in Thako. The one in Thako had some set backs from brother Munganga who took  back his land which he had sold to the church. Because of that, the brethren stopped meeting in Thanko and started meeting in Kitoma on the Uganda side.

Mutendjwa Kipimo.
We do thank sister Debe very much for the funds she sent to start building the house of brother Mutendjwa of the Baraka church of Christ in South Kivu. This brother is the one who helped plant all nine of these congregations. I will be updating you about the construction of his house.

Master's Program
Emmanuel Mawa, who is also an instructor at the Uganda School of Evangelism, left here on the 3rd of August 2014 for the master’s program in Arusha. He came back on the 15th of August 2014.

Ouma Christopher, one of our instructors, left school on the 16th to join the masters program in Kisumu, Kenya, and came back on the 22nd of August 2014. He did not take two weeks as he was supposed to due to the sickness of the brother who was coming to teach them.

The Uganda School of Evangelism alumni seminar is to start on the 17th of October and end on the 18th of October 2014 after lunch. Brother Akilimali, from Uvira, Congo, is requesting about the possibility of $300 for a round trip ticket from Uvira to Busia. Brother Kambale and Lebu, from the Congo-Uganda boarder, are also requesting some help of $50 dollar each to enable them to attend the seminar. The seven brothers from Kenya who usually come for this seminar would need a total of $200. During this time each will tell a story of what he has been doing for  a year. The six brothers, who just graduated, will be coming next year, as per now they are just  adjusting with the home life after two years in school.

Annual  lectureship
The Uganda School of Evangelism’s annual lectureship will begin on the 15th of December and end on the 18th of December 2014. We will study the book of “Romans.” We are going to hear from seventeen speakers, most of them being our graduates and some of our instructors. Our guest speaker this year will be my son-in-law, Andrew Taylor, who will be arriving on the 6th of December 2014 and stay for six weeks.

Ladies Class
Our ladies class will resume on the 22nd of December 2014 and go to the 3rd of January 2015. We are going to celebrate the New Year with them here at the school. About three of our lady students have given birth since their last time at the school. Margaret is planning to have somebody special to take care of the children while their mothers will be in class. We need your prayers in all these.

Yours In Christ
Francis Wechesa

Posted on September 7, 2014 .