Returning Students In Chimala Prepare For The Fall Quarter...

I just returned with a group of young adults from the Rossville Church of Christ to begin the new fall quarter at Chimala. The group included one of the church’s deacons, two school teachers and four college students. We were going as a survey trip to see about continued help for the work at the Chimala Bible Institute. 

We attended chapel every day and fellowshipped with the returning students. They all had been busy at their home congregations preaching and teaching what they had learned while at school. The chapel service was inspiring by there singing and heartfelt prayers. We spoke on the importance of continued faithfulness in sharing the “unsearchable riches of Christ” that was the unique role for which our students have been training. A 75-page notebook, which outlined every Bible book with themes, supplemented our class on the advanced survey of the Bible and other study helps. This material was edited by myself, but paid for by generous contributions of Christians in the area. One of the tasks of the group was to fix up and paint our student dorms along with other projects that arose. Their worshiping with and encouraging our students was well received by the faculty and students at CBI. 

 As usual, in my task as the Bear Valley Bible Institute coordinator, we spent hours meeting with the teachers to discuss recruiting and schedules for the upcoming quarter and year. A long list of fine students have shown an interest in coming to train at CBI. We are also excited to report that the second class of master’s students is scheduled to begin in the near future. The teachers and students at CBI are continuing to “keep the faith” in a troubling time. There commitment to the cause of Christ and desire to serve was a unique encouragement to the group from America. A special bond was formed of brothers and sisters in Christ working together to help the church in both Tanzania and America. As I contemplate the amazing work both groups are doing I realize this is what the work of the Bear Valley Bible Institute has always been about. Yes, we do “train preachers” and provide the opportunities of all of us who serve Christ to be involved in this great partnership.

Garry L. Hill
Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver

Posted on August 10, 2014 .