Report From A Graduate Of ACSOP...


We give thanks to God for many things in our life especial in his work God help and give us strength to do his work.

The work of God in this place of Western Zone in Tanzania continues to grow in number and spiritual day after day.

God has added 3 souls in this three months one soul from Kahama congregation and 2 souls at Ushirombo Town congregations. We are continuing with students with various people in all congregations at Western part. But te work continue to be hard because of many challenges example transport, it needs much money to travel from Ushirombo to another place, also we are  planning o Evangelize and establish new congregation at Shinyanga region so we are in preparations.

The church continue to teach the Youth each Saturday and we give thanks to God because we have observed that we need to prepare the youth so that they may become good teachers and preachers for the future. The church makes efforts for this program.

Also we have restore one soul, for now the attendance at Ushirombo Town is increasing in number maximum 65 – 81 for this season, As a preacher I make sure to be watchful because unruly men increasing and for now there are one brother is under discipline the reason he went to court to accuse his fellow Christian and the church. The Church worn him two times but he rejected to follow the advice of the Church.

On 27th April, 2014 my father had passed away at Korogwe after suffering with diabetes for long time the burial was on 29th April, 2014 at home Korogwe, I gave thanks to God he had obeyed the Gospel since August 2013 and he had stay in Christianity in 7 months and all the time he was on the bd. The few new Christians at Korogwe (New Congregation) had part look the Lord super and him each Sunday, and my father he was among the new members who started this new congregation. I believe I will see him at the heaven. On July I will be Korogwe for finishing this problem, and some classes of Bible.

The big challenges which took place for all congregations is lack of preachers, but we have some preachers who finish school of preaching, are lossed to help me on outside of Ushirombo because is no any means of supporting them. My prayers to God is to open the door for my congregations or sponsors at America to support them; also I argue all Christians who have ability to support them to do so, because we have many congregations that they are no yet matured preachers but we have preachers. The congregation at Ushirombo for now have no ability to support them.

Another challenge is lack of permanent place where worship can be done but we give thanks to God that we have Rent some place s after receiving the helpful from cystarfford, but my opinion is better than to have Land of this congregations as Kahama, Mganza, Katoro, Korogwe, Nsuve also Magu and Nyamigota.

As a preacher my plan is to ask money for three challenges that Transport, Land and Support for these preachers, if these three challenges be solved kindly we will bring another good results  the the Kingdom God.

I continue to give many thanks to my supporter Frank, Ernest, David and Mark I believe God will bless you abundance for this good work for supporting me and my family but I request if possible to increase some money because my responsibilities in my family is increasing and the life is too tough for moment I can’t perform any work because all congregations depending on me to take them care, so I make follow up time after time. I believe God will find any means to you; God may bless your families.

Also I continue to give thanks to the older men cotton and green all who strive to see this work continue.

God may bless you all.

Your’s in Christ

Posted on July 6, 2014 .