Carrying French Bible To French Converts...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We do hope this mail will meet you in good health. Life is going on well here even though with many of our brethren and students being sick. The climate is really disturbing many here, but we hope it will soon pass.

I am sending my normal Sunday report on Saturday because a preacher who was in Nigeria lost his wife and the funeral will be on Monday, about 450 miles away and I am invited to speak, so that is why I am sending my report for the week now. The village I will start traveling to after worship tomorrow does not have internet service.

This past week in CBIW and the Wotutu congregation went well, just for the fact of many being sick. God is still doing His work through our hands perfectly.

Our students are back and classes are going on smoothly. We give thanks to God for His usual help. As I wrote this email (yesterday). After classes, students who were assigned for weekend evangelism, left late because of the torrential down pour of rain. We think souls and we know the only way to rob from the strong man’s house is to go for souls. That is why weather conditions do not affect our goal and passion. With the bad road, because of rain, students will really struggle to get to places like Dikome and Koba, but we must go to nurture and build the church. So the outcome of this weekend will be your way next week’s report.

Our student, brother Mbappe, a French speaking student, carried French Bibles to French converts. He is doing a great job. Keep our mission in your prayers.

In the Wotutu congregation last Sunday, God blessed and added two precious souls into His family in Wotutu. Brother Joseph Ntoko was baptized. Keep his wife in prayer, as she was furious with the husband accepting the gospel. We have started studies with her and she has calmed down. We have hopes that, God willing, she will obey pretty soon.

Another French speaking brother, Jean Paul, also obeyed the gospel last Sunday evening. Our multilingual morning program helps many to understand the gospel on “Back to the Bible” program. We are still very grateful for the Mission Printing tracts which we are using to build up studies with many in Wotutu now.

1) Next weekend, most of the students will be in Isokolo Village for the establishment of a new congregation. We have hope because we have many studies going on with Mission Printing tracts and many keep appreciating God’s words on the printed page. Reaching out and touching precious souls to come back to God and if the church is established it will be the second congregation in the entire west coast of Cameroon. The first one was established in Batoke by CBIW. We thank God for the work of reaching out to souls. That is the joy in the work. I will take more tracts to the Northwest region as I travel toward that area for the funeral.

 2) We are also planning for another campaign in Lebialem. A sister is crying and calling on us to come over to that area and help.

Thank you for all that you do for the Lord through us. God alone will bless you and reward you. If not for you, I doubt where and how this work would have been possible. God alone will reward you when is it time. Do your best to share this with many in your life.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director  CBIW

Posted on July 6, 2014 .