Joint Service at Alikpoji
A joint service was organized by the fourteen congregations in and around the Kpalime area. This lectureship is an annual event which brings brethren together to discuss issues confronting the church. The theme for this year’s lectures was “The Christian in the Community.” There were 184 in attendance at this service. There was a fellowship meal after the service. Such meetings are used to encourage these new congregations.
Meeting with Church Leaders
During my recent visit to Kpalime, I had the opportunity to meet the area preachers to deliberate issues affecting our outreach efforts. I also used the occasion to tell them about the Gospel Chariot, and how it will be used to serve our outreach needs in the region. We all agreed to organize an outreach program in Kpalime this July.
End of year Exam at CBS
All too soon, this batch of students is writing their final exams to bring the first year to a close. I was informed by the instructors that the students are doing well and are taking their lessons very seriously. I am greatly impressed by their courage to give up denominationalism and embrace simple New Testament Christianity. Most of them have been persecuted, but are resolved to continue as members of the Lord’s church. I know it has not been easy to make this decision, but they did. Let us do all we can to encourage them.
Meeting with CBS students
On my recent visit to CBS in Kpalime, I also had the opportunity to address the student body before they left on vacation. The key issue centered on where they will be working upon their graduation and how they will support themselves. I used the occasion to inform them that we have planned to give them some training in animal rearing and other income generating ventures.
The students expressed their thanks and appreciation to the teachers and Gabriel Oaks church for their support of the school.
World Radio: Kpalime,Togo
The World Radio presenter in Kpalime, Togo is Cephas (principal of CBS). The program is aired each Sunday evening from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The theme for June was “ Faith that Saves.” The program in Kpalime is impacting the Kloto region so much that the denominational pastors are beginning to ask “what must I do to be saved.” This has resulted in a recent seminar organized for forty one (41) denominational church leaders and pastors.
During the month of June the radio program had seven (7) prospects who are currently studying with the church and some have even visited. There were also five (5) phone calls. After each preaching session, listeners are given the opportunity to call into the program with questions and comments. We wish to thank our sponsors.
Mini Gospel Chariot for Togo
The Gospel Chariot for Togo is almost ready for use; it has both sitting and cargo compartments. All the items needed for effective outreach have been purchased. The Chariot will be “out-doored” with a maiden campaign in Kpalime from the 24th-26th of July. Elders from Lome and several preachers have been invited to grace the occasion. The campaign will end with a thanksgiving service on Sunday.
Students and preachers were able to observe David, an electronic technician, demonstrate how to use some of the electronic equipment. He spent two days teaching all of us how to set up for an outreach program.
Seven (7) Denominational Pastors attend seminar
God has continued to surprise us. A few months ago I was informed that some pastors were troubled by the rate at which their members were converting to church of Christ. These seven pastors did not see any harm in allowing their men to come to CBS to increase their knowledge in the word. However, after a few weeks they were surprised that these men had changed, their leaders claimed the students had become false teachers. Some of these students were not allowed again to use the pulpit they once preached from. It was at this point that these pastors decided to come and investigate the church, and thus called for a seminar. I understand these pastors were almost persuaded to become Christians.
Some of the topics discussed included:
-What is a denomination?
-The difference between a denominational church and church of christ
-Are there saved ones in the denomination?
-Why should one become a member of the Church of Christ?
These pastors left the two day seminar convinced that there is One true Church. They requested that the next meeting should be held in the City Hall and that the entire public should be invited. This is the power of God’s word at work. Continue to pray that the word will be preached with boldness.
The total number of participants was 47. This number included students, recent graduates, instructors, and the seven pastors.
The Lord adds three souls to the Tsame congregation
In a recent report I mentioned that David, one of our current students who was converted from denominationalism, had five congregations under his leadership prior to his coming to CBS. Now that he is member of the Church of Christ, he has the responsibility to make sure all those five churches become churches of Christ. David was able to baptize those he personally taught. This means that David understands the difference between the denomination he used to belong to (The International Mission for the Salvation of Souls) and the Church of the Bible.
The Tsame congregation needs CFA 15.00 a month or CFA 180.00 a year to rent the land on which their structure stands. The owner is willing to sell also. This structure is made of bamboo poles with palm branches. The question you may want to ask is what happens when it rains? The simple answer is, worship service is either dismissed or suspended. Let us encourage David by helping to rent the land and provide funds for a shed.
H. Willie Gley
P.O. Box AN 19611 Accra North, Ghana