The Difference One Congregation Can Make...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

It is with great joy and excitement I write this short-report. Because you pray, believe, support and many of you even come and join us in this amazing work of God here in Tanzania, the Lord is being lifted up, glorified, praised and thanked every day. The Lord is smiling down on His/your/our efforts in a grand way. Let me illustrate...

In the year 1998 we began a work of God here in Tanzania. In the early days I stood before a congregation of the Lord’s people, numbering around 30, in the city of Arusha (at that time the only body of believers in Arusha), encouraging them to take the Gospel light into all Tanzania, East Africa and yes, the world. To say that message was received with any degree of confidence, would be a stretch. Today that same message is being taught not only in Arusha, but throughout all Tanzania and many parts of East Africa with belief and conviction.  

Today, what started with one congregation and 30 precious souls in the city of Arusha, has grown to 8 congregations and over 450 souls in the city of Arusha alone. What made this possible, your prayers and support to be sure, God’s blessings without a doubt, strong and consistent mission team and yes, a very strong body of believers here in the Church in Arusha. Two other key elements are the Andrew Connally School Preaching and our yearly Safari for Souls campaigns. let me illustrate...

We have now graduated over 130 trained and dedicated evangelist. We know there have been more than 300 new church plants, a combination of efforts through the Tanzania 2000 mission team and through the efforts of our graduates.  This years Safari for Souls efforts are also an example of what can be done when the Lord’s people join hearts, minds, and souls for a purpose greater than any one of us individually, God purpose. We began our pre-campaign efforts the first part of May. Our co-workers began joining us toward the end of May. Some have gone back to America, some remain and others are yet to come. The Lord has blessed the efforts thus far with 28 new souls being added to His Kingdom. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Please pray that God continues to open doors of opportunity and that we might touch many lost souls with His saving message of mercy, grace and reconciliation. I plead with each of us, to pause for but a moment and pray that God might use EACH of US to His good pleasure and to the saving of some lost soul before it is eternity to late. Pray not one soul be lost because we did not care, because we neglected the talent(s) God has blessed us with, or because we were “to busy” pursuing anything in this life, that in the end, will count for nothing. 

Yes, we serve the living God, the God Who is able to do mighty things in our lives and in the lives of those we know and influence for good. Pray, pray, pray! Thank you for your prayers, for our God is answering them in a powerful way and He will do the same in all of our lives, if, we give Him our all. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on June 22, 2014 .