A New Version Of Polishing The Pulpit...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. We do hope you are doing great in health and in your faith. We are doing the same here even though some members are sick because of the climate I guess. Keep us in your prayers.

I am sorry I could not send my news letter last week, it was due to internet problems and other things.

Both last week and this week is going on well. God continues to bless us and help us go about His work. Both weeks were characterized with lots of activities.

We had house to house evangelism in Mile 4 near to Wotutu which is a congregation we established in February. All the students and some staff along with the coordinator, brother David Ballard, were part of it and God recorded great success. People are eager to listen as they cluster to see what the Bible is saying. It was great as many benefited from tracts of great Bible lessons.

It was also a time to celebrate with the Brightland Christian Academy of Wotutu. This is the first of its kind for a school of this grade being run by members of the church of Christ. BCA is two years old now, but its fruits are alarming in the community of Wotutu. Their results from the government were great. Keep this dream in your prayers as we are working hard to make it grow to touch lives of these little children who will be able to get the truth in their tender age before they grow to be corrupted by denominational doctrines. Please, your prayers and input are welcome.

My wife, sister Magdalene, made a speech to over 500 men in the population on the importance of Christian education. Her effort is seen. Please come join us to explore the life of these little ones, many of which had no opportunity to attend school, mostly the young girls. Most can smile as BCA gives out quality education almost free from fees. Our dream is to help our communities in many ways. That is why we are also doing the adult literacy classes, which are free.

In Wotutu, again last week, we had the first edition of Polishing the Pulpit seminar. It is a seminar that we are still dreaming to get to be part of the work here to help many preachers and leaders come to Wotutu and spend some days studying more from God’s word, mostly issues and subjects which in turn cause problems in congregations. Keep this in your prayers.

After the seminar, it was also time for preachers and leaders in over 60 congregations who attended to get access to our warehouse for mission printing tracts, over 85 participants came. It was great fellowship with those we have stayed for years without meeting. Many raised hands up when they saw the piles of gospel tracts from Mission Printing. This is the first time Churches of Christ in Cameroon could received this quantity of tracts to boost our evangelism efforts in Cameroon. Thanks to Mission Printing and all those involved in getting that container to us. We have started distributing it in Wotutu and started Bible study with many who keep raising interest to know some more.

Minister David Ballard, coordinator of CBIW, had his last worship today in Cameroon after visiting 10 congregations and the Lord blessed our effort with 8 souls. It was also time to visit our students on evangelism and to see some of our graduates in their congregations and how God is using them there. It was amazing for us to do so.

Sister Grace was one who put her Lord on in baptism in the Kwakwa congregation.

Even after the seminar, many preachers and leaders who heard about the news later still came to Wotutu to get tracts. God has blessed Cameroon.

Arrival of tracts in the congregations provokes smiles and joy in the hearts of many and we know the readers who are the end beneficiaries of the tracts will read with joy and obey as the Lord will keep drawing many to Himself .We are appreciative to all of you and we know God will bless you.

Our students went out last week to 27 different locations , and we shall welcome them back next week as we shall share with you how God has use them to accomplish His purpose.

1) We were in Isokolo village where there is the possibility of establishing a new congregation.

2) Lectureship invitations keep coming our way.

God bless you and keep you. We thank God for you and we keep you in our prayers for all that you are doing and will yet do for the work. Thank you for loving us and the work we do. Do your best to share with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on June 22, 2014 .