God Continues To Bless The Work In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Amazing grace is what we wish you over there. We do hope you and your family are doing great. We do hope and pray the congregation is healthy. God is faithful and we are doing better even though some are sick here. It may be because of the weather conditions as we prepare to enter the rainy season. Please keep us in your prayers.

Last week in CBIW and our congregation went on well. God bless us to entered the new month of May without much problems.

As I write this email, we are done from worship and it was good to meet and worship our God without any interference. We are blessed in Cameroon because many brethren in war torn countries have worshipped God today in fear, but it was not our case.

CBIW students are left with 6 more months to be full-time evangelists in many communities in Cameroon and beyond. Keep them in your prayers. To that effect we do our best to send them out to many locations for more practical experiences. Our students went to 12 locations this weekend for evangelism.

Some of our students were with me and my wife as we were invited to a wedding ceremony of a preacher in Limbe. We took them there so that they can witness what is happening and that it will not be a strange thing when they will be in their respective congregations. Keep the wedded couple in your prayers.

We were able to get a picture of my wife and I, along with some other preachers and their wives.

The Wotutu congregation has many who stand up because of lack of space to sit. God continues to do His work in our lives and that of our congregation. We are in need of chairs. We have space now, as there is an extension now in our hall. As we think souls, we get up daily at 5 am to reach out with the word of God which has the power to save, to Wotutu communities and others the pure word and is capable of transforming a soul. We derived more means to rob from the strong man’s house.

The Koba congregation returned with a new look. All those who are laughing at the members of the church of Christ Koba have started coming back to the Lord as our students go there every weekend to evangelize, restore and nurture the congregation which was almost dead. The glory belongs to God for using the students of CBIW to win back lost souls. They are also in need of benches as the total completion is still pending.

Five months ago, some brothers from Muea congregation came to my office seeking our help, that we should be sending our students to their congregation because they don’t have any one to preach to them.Weekly our students are there and then the congregation feels the impact of being in Christ. Today they worshipped 74 and 57 year old sister Veronica and her daughter obeyed the gospel today after worshipping with the congregation for 3 weeks. Glory to our God for all that you are doing to help stand with us in this work here in Cameroon. A total of 8 souls obeyed the gospel this week in all the locations our students were.

Brother Itoe who baptized brother Samuel Manga. The work is going on well. Dikome congregation is growing and they are also in need of benches , what a God we serve.The demand of benches is great this week which shows a significant growth of the Body of Christ.

More congregations keep praying and expecting tracts from mission printing. This week I am invited to speak in our annual preachers forum in Bamenda, which is 300 miles from Wotutu. I will meet more preachers and I will tell them how they can benefit from the Mission Printing free distribution of tracts. Keep this exercise in your prayers, as it will help many preachers in their evangelistic efforts.

1) To reach out to more communities weekly

2) CBIW students to go to a new community in the week ahead for planting of a new congregation. If it happens, this will be the second congregation in the whole of the west coast of Cameroon after the Batoke congregation which we established and our students are going there weekly to nurture it.

God bless you for all that you are doing to the work here. We thank you and we keep you in our prayers. Please keep standing on this ministry. It is working well and all glory goes back to God. Do your best to share our reports with others and help be an open door for the growth of this work.

Prayer Request
Keep our student brother Ajeck Edriex in your prayers who was struck by thunder lightening. during our weekend evangelism in a village. He is presently taking treatment with herbs, after he took some orthodox medicines and it was not helping. We are facing lots of challenges these few months. Everyone is active doing his own part of the work. God is working. We are working and Satan is also working, but we are courageous that Satan has never succeeded and it is not in our time that he will succeed. Keep brother Vincent in prayer, our student who is in prison for committing no crime. He continues to touch lives in the prison yard with the truth. We sent him handouts to read in prison. He keeps preaching in there and the number of baptized Christians moved from 11 last week to 15 souls this week, I sent a letter of application to start sending our students to go weekly and help preach inside there. Please keep the application in your prayers so that the administration through the government will approve it and give us access to reach out to those souls there ( Mt 25:31-45). This situation will help us start a prison ministry and by so doing we shall fulfill God’s word in our life and our ministry. Please come and continue to stand with us.

God bless you for being there for us.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on May 4, 2014 .