Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. God bless you as you take up your time to read this report. We are doing better. Some of our sick students are getting better while others are getting sick, maybe because of the weather. Keep us in prayers. The week was a busy one for us again as usual.
As I type this mail, I am home and all the students that went out for weekend evangelism are all back safe and sound. I went to Bamenda for the annual preachers forum and transit to a village for weekend evangelism and nurturing. It was awesome for me to go there with one student and two graduates from our alpha batch.
One person we meet was visiting his parents in Wotutu village. He is a student in Canada and has been listening to our program, “Back to the Bible,” every morning, so he decided to come and see those people who are preaching sound messages like this. He came and I was the one teaching on that day from the Gospel of John. He came and sat in our class that followed and asked some pertinent questions about us. He is very interested to studying more. We shall do our best to connect him with whoever can connect him to the nearest church of Christ in Canada for further follow up. Keep him in your prayers. His name is Julius Ambe.
I was assigned to teach in the annual preachers forum on “Church Cooperation.” We held a question and answers session. It was good as many benefitted on how we can team up to work for the Lord.
From Bamenda, I took transit to a village called Muock Leteh. This is a village where one of the students was harassed by someone because he was preaching Christ and the daughter became a Christian. It was good that I made it there to see the picture of things and also to reach out to many on my way.
The small congregation there welcomed us with great hospitality as we held devotionals in their kitchen, singing to the glory of God, eating with them, appreciating them for loving the Lord. It was good that I made it there with others. Keep praying for them.
The village and neighboring villages are characterized with severe idol worship. They worship stones, thinking that their blessings come from stones that their forefathers left and live in those stones. One small hut is a shrine. We were just passing as we saw them doing libation and pouring strong drinks to their gods, idol worship is real in these villages. Please, please keep this as an appeal for your prayers as we continue to send our students there quarterly for evangelism, so that God will bring many to Himself.
They also worship stones placed in front of their homes. It is sad that the dominant denomination there is the Roman Catholic and they have told them that they should continue with their fetish belief and also worship their God in the Roman Catholic church, give to Caesar what is Caesar and Christ what is Christ’s. Oh with tears, I write this paragraph. Please, oh the field is ripe but the laborers are few. Thank you for coming to us. Thank you for standing by us and we can move to places far into different locations to meet humans who are lost and are dying in their ignorance. CBIW is ready to move to places so that God’s power of the gospel will touch lives.
It was another opportunity for me to encourage a young congregation using inspiration from Genesis 19, Lot’s family in the Corrupt city Sodom that they should stand fast as they have denounced those fetish belief and they are in Christ now. Keep them in your fervent prayers.
The best thing we can do now is house to house even though is it risky because of the incident that happened last time, but we furnished the chief with papers to show that the church of Christ is legalized by our government and that we are free to reach out. I shared with a young girl who told me she is the successor to their family shrine. Keep Anabel in your prayers. She can read and write and she is expecting me to send her some tracts and a Bible that she can study. Our tracts from Mission Printing will do good to many when they will finally arrive Cameroon, we are still waiting on their arrival.
Keep the church in Muock Leteh in your prayers not to look behind. It is a promising church that needs our help and our man power to help that community and other communities to turn to God. Come and stand with us to archive this for the Lord.
We have an invitation to attend a scholarship lectureship in Kumbo where brother Paul Kee is, but it is far from us. We will see if we can make the trip, mostly as it comes at the end of our exams this month end.
Reaching out to more communities is our passion and business. Keep praying for us.
God bless you for all your sacrifice to make this work a reality. You are in our pryers and we know God will continue His blessings over you. Keep doing it and do not faint. A reward will come your way from God
We continue to witness growth in our mission fields like Dikome, Koba, Ediki; a total of 6 precious souls were added while two that had fallen away came back to the congregation in Yoke where we started a new work with them last week. If we succeed to fill empty pulpits with sound preachers, then the church in Cameroon will have a new look, that is what I told the preachers. Those who have not been formally trained should desire to come and brandish their work. We have some that applied and passed the entrance exams. We shall release the results this week. Keep us in your prayers as we make our final selection for the Gamma batch.
Do your best to share this report with others.
Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW