Greetings Fellow Servants,
A very happy Mothers Day to all the moms who have and are making a difference in the lives of countless children. As Booker T. Washington once said; “If I have done anything in life worth attention, I feel sure that I inherited the disposition from my mother.” And most of all, I thank God for all the godly mothers who have influenced their children on the path of righteousness.
We are so very grateful for each of you, your prayers, support and commitment to the cause of Christ where you serve and through your partnership with God here in Tanzania. Stephanie, Granny and I are blessed beyond measure and thankful for our time in the States the past few weeks. We loved being with family, friends and sharing with many the amazing mission effort of God that is taking place here in TZ and throughout East Africa. We are also very thankful to be back home. We arrived late Wednesday night and received our first house guest for the campaign season: Adam and Meagan Evans, and their three daughters who are missionaries in Iringa, TZ. They arrived Thursday afternoon and will be staying with us through the 18th. Also accompanying them is John Strong and two Tanzanian Evangelist, who are staying at the school. Adam will teach a Short Course next week and the other men will be doing some evangelistic outreach.
It is campaign time. We have a group from Evansville, IN, Cottondale, AL, Hoover, AL, Elk City OK, and Daniel Gaines’ father, John, all arriving over the next six weeks. We will be conducting campaigns in two locations in Arusha as well as Usa River this year. We solicit your prayers during this time as many will be traveling and many will be receiving the Truth of God’s Word. Many have donated funds for printing Bible material and for the purpose of purchasing Bibles. This has been done and we know it will have its desired affect on many souls. One exciting project this year being done by the Hoover Team is the purchase and distribution of 1,000 mosquito nets. With each net the recipient will be given information about malaria prevention (malaria being one of the leading causes of death in Tanzania) as well as printed Bible material. Each will be given an opportunity to study one-on-one God’s Word as well.
Today is a very “bitter-sweet” day for the Tanzania Mission Team as we say farewell to Jimmy Gee and his family. Having served faithfully for over 10 years, they will be missed much. The good done by Jimmy and his family can be seen in the number of graduates, new church plants and by the saving of hundreds, yes, thousands of souls. They leave a lasting work, a work that will carry on, just as God would have it and as it was planned from the beginning. As director of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, we saw a good school become a great school. Thank you Jimmy Gee (and family). We will miss you (all) dearly. We ask that you join us in prayer for this godly family as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
We also had another surprise when we got home; our fourteen year old refrigerator had died. They are to deliver a new one on Monday for a cost of “only” $1,600. :( If anyone would like to help with this need, we would be all so very grateful.
I was speaking with our dear brother Yusuph Mdaki a couple of days ago, discussing their need for bibles, tracts, meeting room rent, etc. He said to me; “Oh, by the way, in April we planted a new congregation near Mwanza, baptizing 18 souls into Christ.” We thank God for such men and we thank God for you, making this work possible. Until all have heard.....
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny