Beloved in Christ,
Greetings from Nigeria and the Southwest School of Evangelism (SWSE), Ibadan, Nigeria.
Brother Steven Ashcraft arrived in Nigeria the evening of March 28, 2014 and resumed work on Sunday at the Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation, Ibadan by teaching on “The True Worship” while I served as his interpreter as well as service leader and a student of the SWSE - Ibadan sermonized the saints .
A WBS student of Kathleen Withers and Ken Heflin named Busayo Waleola was baptized after the Sunday worship.
March 31 through April 4, brother Steven Ashcraft taught on “Bible Geography” at the SWSE campus, Butubutu, Ibadan from 8:15 am to 6:00 pm with one and half hours break in the afternoon and the only student from Lagos campus named James Olaosebikan was baptized on April 3, 2014 at Osun River by 3:00 pm.
The five days intensive lectures was attended by 45 brethren (33 students, 6 instructors, 2 foundation members and 4 of the SWSE graduates).
Beloved, with total submission to the will of God, I'm using this medium to announce the passing unto glory of my beloved mother who was added to the Lord's church in August 2001. She passed into eternity at the age of 110 years of age. She was survived by an aged husband, five women and a young man (my self). She will be buried on April 26 at my compound while the service of songs will come up on April 25, 2014.
Brethren, we thank the Lord for brother Steven Ashcraft’s visit to Nigeria in spite of the ugly news about our country, Nigeria.
Thanks so much for your brotherly love. Stay blessed and have a wonderful weekend.
Sincerely His & yours,
Makinde E. Olufemi