Student At CBS In Togo Obeys The Gospel...

Another CBS student baptized
God continues to bless our efforts at CBS in Kpalime, Togo. We started out with sixteen (16) denominational men and only four members of the Church of Christ. But, since it has been our tradition to accept denominational men, convert, train and equip them to preach the gospel, I am glad to inform my readers that one of the students recently submitted to Christ through baptism. This means that 13 of these men are now Christians. This batch of students has demonstrated a high level of commitment for accepting truth and renouncing denominationalism. We are determined to convert the remaining three students before the end of their first year.

Hanyigba church has a new meeting place
Through the kind gesture of some brethren, The Hanyigba Church of Christ, which used to meet in a very small structure, now has a spacious structure that can accommodate all of them.

Members of the Hanyigba congregation worked in a communal labor. This is one of the adopted congregations. The minister is John Akli.

Two Missionaries visit Nyiveme Congregation
Steve and Tony are both missionaries residing in Tamale-Northern region of Ghanan. Steve is the director of Bear Valley extension programs in West Africa. He is also involved in mission work in the Northern part of Togo. Tony is the coordinator for the school in Tamale.

Their visit to Kpalime was to recruit two of our former students to start a mission work in Burkina Faso. The goal is to eventually start a Preacher Training School there.

Two Students preach during worship
Two of our new students recently had the opportunity to preach during the worship service. One preached in French and the other translated into Ewe, the local dialect. I understand they demonstrated understanding of the scriptures and communicated the message clearly. It shows that our teachers are doing well.

World Radio Sponsored Program
In a recent radio program, the “Three States of Man: Innocence State, Guilty State, and Justified State” were discussed with emphasis on the fact that babies are not born with sin. A listener got so interested and called in to the station and spoke with the presenter who later met him. After his questions on the original sin and the church were answered to his satisfaction, he was baptized. He worships with the Zomayi Church of Christ.

Three Congregations adopted
After launching the church adoption program about two months ago, three congregations have been adopted so far. They are as follows: Hanyigba Church of Christ, Zomayi Church of Christ, and Kpadape Church of Christ.

Preachers’ Seminar on the Spiritual Gifts
As part of CBS academic program, frequent seminars on selected topics are discussed to furnish students with more materials to use in their personal work and for their own understanding. At such a forum, they have opportunity to present some of their own challenges and they are taught how to discuss such issues with prospects.

New Congregation starts at Yorkele
Yorkele is a town near Kpalime. The preacher is Kwaku Tulasi, a 2011 graduate of CBS. He started visiting this community with the gospel from house to house and in the market place. Three souls were baptized initially and have formed the nucleus of this new congregation. Since they started worshiping, they have attracted some regular visitors who continue to study with the church. Tulasi is married with one child. We need someone or a congregation to adopt this new congregation. We are planning to build a shed for a meeting place soon.

Nyiveme congregation had one addition in the month under consideration. This new Christian was in Kpalime to visit a brother who is a student at CBS. He was in the worship service and heard the preaching and decided to give his life to Christ. He came alone, but left with Christ.

Nyiveme congregation was bereaved
Christians are admonished to mourn with one another. Recently, a sister with the Nyiveme congregation lost her husband and members traveled to mourn with their sister. A football team carried the casket to the cemetery.

Report by Willie Gley

Posted on April 27, 2014 .