What a wonderful way it was to finish the sixth quarter at KSOP, Kisumu. It was one of the rare opportunities that we pray should repeat itself sooner than later. In the month of February and March we were privileged to have Mike Reese (KSOP coordinator), team from Charlotte Avenue including two elders (sponsoring congregation) and Denny Petrillo (BVBID president). Whereas Kenya is known to be the home of the big five wild animals, these brethren never came for that as top priority but to work with the preachers training school in Kisumu, local preachers in evangelizing local villages through gospel meetings, door to door evangelism and edification of the saved.
Denny taught the book of Ezekiel and Daniel in five days morning to evening. We appreciate his coming to teach and the books that he donated to the young preaching school library. During that same week Mike Reese was teaching a graduate class in Old Testament Theology. Mike went on to teach Educational program of the Church to both graduate and under graduate class the following week, it was two tough weeks for him but he was up to the task and did great! While these were going on at KSOP, the Charlotte Avenue team was out in the local villages conducting gospel meetings which were a great success.
During the months, KSOP students also had a great opportunity of leading door to door evangelism and gospel meeting in Ndwara along Lake Victoria for four days leading to one baptism and later three more baptisms from the studies they initiated. The inspiration they got during the months propelled them to do really great work during the short break as reported below.
During the break, the KSOP students conducted 35 bible studies, resulting in 15 baptisms, 8 restorations and the whole Umuri congregation restored to true worship. I had a privilege to visit this congregation. While there I refuted the false doctrine about women leadership in church, one man bishop, polygamists can be saved and keep his wives… One student taught the book of Genesis to eight men in Sigomre.
We began the seventh quarter on April 14th, all 13 students arrived safely. I am teaching Denominational Doctrines and Greek III whereas Elias is teaching Minor Prophets I and II. Ralph Williams will teach 1and 2 Timothy – Titus, while Wayne Burger will teach for two weeks Scheme of Redemption and the book of Revelation.
Thanks for your prayers and support that keeps this work going on, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we…” will meet these men and the souls they preached to either here on earth or in heaven.
His servant,
Charles Ogutu