Fifty-Seven Applicants For The Gamma Class...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters in Cameroon, especially those in the Wotutu congregation. God is blessing us in many ways and we give glory to His name. Keep on in your prayers for many of our brethren who are sick, mostly the children at this time that we are doing a transitional period.

We do hope you are doing great also over where you are. We keep you in our prayers to go through the challenges in life over there.

Today, we are having serious down pour of rain. The night was with signs that rain will come, but it started a few minutes before the time that many are finalizing their arrangements to go for worship. The rain will help in our crops and cool the climatic conditions.

Brother Richard Renfro, vice president in Mission Printing, came to visit us and many congregations in Cameroon. His one week stay in Cameroon took him to over 13 congregations meeting with preachers and leaders. He is the vice president of Mission Printing and they sent us an ocean container of tracts to help in our evangelism. It is an answer to many prayers in Cameroon as we have never received tracts in great quantity in Cameroon since the establishment of the church here. He was impressed with the dedication of our students, as he gave them ties to make them look neat as the preach the gospel of peace.

He told the Wotutu congregation what Mission Printing is all about. It was a wonderful service time together. Keep him in your prayers as he flies out of Cameroon this evening and back to the USA.

Sister Adamu, who is just a visitor in Wotutu, could hear our morning program. She is from  a Muslim background. She followed our preaching and came to worship with us. She was interested in studying with our students that Jesus Christ is greater than Mohamed, when she saw it, she made her mind to become a Christian. What a God we serve!.

During her baptism she was smiling and being happy. Keep her husband in prayers that he will not disturb her but he will also love to study the word. Keep her in your prayers to grow because she speaks both French and English.

Our students were out on mission work as usual for weekend evangelism. As I write this mail they have called to express what the Lord accomplished through them. Koba, Dikome , and others continue to express their joy as they see our students come and help them grow.

1) We have two invitations to attend Bible lectureship: in Bolifamba village and also to Ediki, a congregation that we revived. Please keep these missions in your prayers as we have another opportunity to rob from the strong man’s house, if we have the means to make it to both places.

2) This Saturday we have the entrance exams into CBIW scheduled. We have close to 57 applications. We hope all of them will make it to Wotutu because now the weather conditions are not predictable. Keep them in your prayers that God will help us select those He has selected already for His use. We are working on getting 20 students for the GAMMA BATCH .

We thank God for you and your love for the old rugged cross, as you deem it good to stand with us as we reach out to the lost. God bless you in all that you do.

Do your best to share our report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on April 20, 2014 .