Update On Ukrainian Situation...

Greetings to all of you who support and love the Lord's church in Ukraine!

A number of people have asked me, "What is going on in Ukraine?" At this point, I feel like I'm just a collector of information. Like you, I get most of my information watching/reading news stories and articles. However, I've also received some direct correspondence with Dennis Sopelnik, BVBIU director in Gorlovka, as well as from other individual Ukrainians. As far as major political information on what leaders of different nations are saying or doing, you know as much as I do if you have been watching/reading the news. However, below are some details that I have learned from individuals that pertain to BVBIU and the surrounding areas (Crimea is about 233 miles southwest of Gorlovka). I have no way of verifying some of this, but to the best of my knowledge believe it to be truthful:

1.    The rate for the Ukrainian currency (Grivna) is sporatic and rapidly losing value driving up prices. Currency withdrawals are greatly limited and only in Grivna (no dollars).

2.    There was a very recent pro-Russian rally in Gorlovka, but no violence to our knowledge.

3.    There was a large pro-Russian rally in Donetsk - fighting broke out, but no firearms. 

4.    The Donetsk "administrative building" was assaulted by Russians, but was retaken by the Ukrainians. 

5.    Ukrainian tanks are heading toward Crimea.

6.    At least 2 Ukrainian bases in Crimea have been surrounded by Russian soldiers.

7.    Ukrainian men between 18 - 47 are being drafted into the Ukrainian army.

8.    The U. S. Department of State has issued a travel warning & warns citizens of the U.S. to defer all non-essential travel to Ukraine.

My natural follow-up to all of this is to ask you to pray about this dangerous situation in Ukraine. And if you have been praying, to please continue praying and even increase your prayers. There are many precious people whose very lives and souls are depending upon them. We don't always know what action God is taking. And we do know that Satan is very powerful. But we do know God is in control and that ultimately the will of His Son Jesus Christ will be accomplished. I will try to keep you updated of any significant developments. 

In His service for Ukraine,

Posted on March 9, 2014 .