Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from Cameroon. We do hope this report finds you all in good health and a sound faith. We are doing better in health. My wife, who was sick, is getting much better. Thank you for your prayers. Some students who were not sound keep getting better as we continue to handle their situations with sister Ruth, the nurse.
Last week in CBIW went on well as our students have already finished one week of intensive short courses in “Advanced Hermeneutics.” They will continue this week with “2 Corinthians” and then they will move out for campaign.
Evangelist Norbert Bekwike, a student of our school who graduated as the best student during the alpha batch, was invited to come and teach a short course after almost two years in the field preaching and teaching. He did a great job and the current students were impressed by his passion, zeal and love for the work of an evangelist. Many desire to be like him, but more like Christ, as they prepare themselves for ministry in few months.
Evangelism is our mission and it is part of us. As the week draws near to Friday our hearts go out for souls in different communities that we must reach with the pure word of God. Every week the demands for our students to come over to different locations and help in evangelism and nurturing is increasing. This weekend we returned from 10 different villages to reach out and nurture congregations. This week another village felt the touch of the gospel in Mabonji village. The church of Christ was revived and two new precious souls obeyed the gospel. This village is not too far from Wotutu. Keep them in your prayers. I stood with a lady that admired the truth and said “I want to be a pastor.” That gave me more opportunity to give her the insight of the Bible concerning the role of women. The parents were all listening to me while they prepared their food. A total of 4 souls were added during the weekend with 10 restorations in the Mabonji congregation. Koba and Dikome continue to thank God for our efforts to make it to them every week. This weekend the student that went to Dikome and Koba were both soaked with rains as they used the motor cycle to get there. Rain met them on the way and they could not continue with the bad road and at night. They slept in another village in the chief’s house. What a God we serve. They are back weak and tired, but we have some drugs on campus that they will take to regain their energy. Thanks for making all of this possible at our disposal. God bless you all.
Sister Pauline Mbong continues to listen to our early morning radio program “Back to the Bible.” She listened and started visiting us, not on weekly basis, but today she obeyed the gospel after worship. Before obeying the gospel she came to me and asked what she will prepare as food, drinks and a fee to pay before her baptism. I told her “Jesus paid it all. You have nothing to pay for, just come with an open heart and God will receive you.” She was amazed as compared to how much she spends in her Roman Catholic denomination. Keep her in your prayers to keep growing. She is 65 years old now.
She smiled after her baptism. One of our students, Chijioke, held her hands to stand. In Christianity we need one another to hold our hands and help someone stand up for the Lord. That is what is expected of all of us. Keep this lady in your prayers and the church to be there for her to help her grow to maturity.
1) One more short course and the students will be off for campaign. Keep them in your prayers as they complete their first quarter in their second year of studies.
2) Entrance exams into CBIW for the GAMMA batch will come up on the 26th of April. Keep that in your prayers so that God will help us select those He has selected already for His work.
Our hearts are full with gratitude. Whenever we have opportunity to say thank you for your prayers, love and support for the work that is going on here. We lift up your names to God daily on your behalf. God bless you, watch over you and give you His peace in your going out and coming in. Share this report with others and remain blessed.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW