Ephesians 3:20-21 (ASV)
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all generations for ever and ever. Amen."
Overview of our Work
Our whole family is involved in this work here in Chimala. We are truly blessed to be able to be here. Below is an overview of how our family is involved with the work at Chimala.
1. Preaching the Word of God. Each Sunday, Chad is preaching in various congregations in the Chimala area. He works closely with area congregations to develop leadership, help evangelize communities, and encourage the brethren. During the week, he is normally speaking in one of our daily chapels on the mission. Preaching the Gospel is central to what he is doing in Chimala.
2. Teaching the Word of God. Chad teaches at our two-year school of preaching training men from Tanzania, Congo, Malawi, etc. He is working hard to train the next generation of preachers and church leaders.
3. Overseeing all aspects of the Chimala Mission. The Chimala Mission has 6 departments with over 200 employees. It is a large operation! Chad is involved in all of the areas to see that they are on track to meet goals.
1. Volunteers with our evangelistic mobile medical clinics. There are several clinics set up in the Chimala area where people can get vaccines, check-ups, pregnancy checks, medicine, etc. This is beneficial because so many people cannot easily get to the hospital for treatment.
2. Coordinates the domestic side of the Chimala Mission. We have many different visitors at the Chimala Mission and that requires coordination regarding housing, etc. With so many groups coming to the mission, she keeps busy welcoming visitors to Chimala.
3. Teaches nursing classes at the hospital. She and Cheryl Bode have been giving nursing education classes to the nurses at the Chimala Mission Hospital. This week's class: IV drip rates.
4. Volunteers as needed at the Hospital. Doing various tasks as needed, she fills a gap that is needed at the hospital.
5. Home-schools our children. With all that she has to do around the mission, she still home-schools 4 of our children from Kindergarten through 12th grade!
Our children work at the preacher school library, volunteer with our mobile medical clinics, volunteering at the hospital, etc.
We are very thankful for all the prayers and financial support
We Need your Help!
We have committed ourselves to living and working here at Chimala. We are glad to be here but we need your financial assistance to be able to stay here. Costs have increased but our support has not. We are in need of an additional $2,500 a month in support. We rely on you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to come to our aid and support our work. During our recent furlough, we were blessed with some wonderful one-time funds. We also get a $100/month pledge from one congregation as well as a $500/month work fund pledge for Rena's nursing work. We are very grateful for that support but we still stand in need of personal support.
We are calling on 50 new congregations and/or individuals who can support us at $50/month. $50/month is not a great amount but when combined with over faithful support, it will allow us to be able to live and work here at Chimala.
We are calling on our brothers and sisters in Christ to help us in our time of need.
If you can help us in our support, please let us know. I will be happy to share our details with you if you have any questions.
Support a Student
There are several students at the secondary school and primary school who are orphans and/or are under-privileged. Our school is one of the best in the area. You can help provide a good education for these kids by helping pay for school fees. You can support a secondary school student for $1,000 for the year and a primary school student for $200 for the year. If you can help, please let us know.
Help get our hospital out of the toilet!
The Chimala Mission Hospital is a rural hospital which struggles at keeping prices low for the surrounding people while at the same time making enough to cover our expenses. It is not always easy. We are starting a fundraising campaign to fix the bathroom facilities at the hospital. You can check out pictures and more information at http://cherylinchimala.blogspot.com/2014/02/help-our-bathrooms-get-out-of-toilet.html.
Micah accidentally injured
While doing some work at the shop, Micah and Dakotah Price were running through the rain. During the run, Micah's hand sustained an injury for which she needed stitches.
Thank you!
Due to your generosity, we were able to provide a motorcycle for an evangelist who travels to various congregations to preach.
Chad Wagner