“Finallly, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph. 6:10, 11).
Joseph was called by his brothers a dreamer (Gen. 37:19). His entire family didn’t comprehend the meaning of his dreams. At the end Joseph said, “And as for you, ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive” (Gen. 50:20). God communicated His message back then in “….divers portions and in divers manners” (cf. Heb. 1:1). Today he communicates through His inspired word.
Soldiers of the cross today dream how to “save much people alive,” spiritual speaking, by obeying the Great Commission. The command has explicitly stated, but the how (method) to fulfill it is left on our shoulders. The Andrew Connally School of Preaching has dreamt big! Since 2003, when ACSOP began, up to now 142 (included 8 who’ll graduate 2014) graduated from the ACSOP. This years (2014) 22 new students have enrolled in school.
When Joseph attempted to educate his family about his dreams is when he got himself into trouble. It’s also true today that when we convince brethren what we believe will work for the kingdom of God is when we get ourselves into trouble sometimes. TZ 2000 mission effort has done much in this part of the world. The outcome will be evident for many years to come. Leaders of this effort have dreamt big, yes I mean big! We’ve faced challenges as Joseph did, but at the end we’ve witnessed saved souls and Christians being built up. As I assess the church before this effort and now the big difference is evident! As it’s said “educate the world, and it’ll be a better place to live.” Since the world economic is uncertain, the only treasured thing you can leave for us is education; which none will take away from us.
Yesterday, I received a call from Mtwara (South of Tanzania) Dolphin a widow pleading with me to send someone with the gospel to the lost souls. How can we do that? By training faithful men who are ready to share the good news. Another call from Kigoma (West of Tanzania) “the church at Singida desperately needs a preacher.” The answer to all of those calls is from “our dream.” ACSOP and other schools worldwide to train faithful men and send them out.
A word cannot thank you enough for what you’re doing for the lost souls. Your prayers, support, encouraging words, etc. are much appreciated. May God richly bless you. Amen.
My wife and I will be attending the Memphis School of Preaching Lectureship this year (March 30 – April 3rd). It is going to be my first time to be there since I graduated in 1998.
In His service,
Christopher, Julia & Children