Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu. We are doing much better in health as we continue to take drugs and herbs to help us.
The students of CBIW will commence their short courses tomorrow. Their exams went on well. Keep them in your prayers as they study 2 Corinthians and Advanced Hermeneutics, as a short course.
As I write this report now all students who went out for weekend evangelism to 8 different locations are all back safe and sound. God took us and brought us back with good results from our outreach.
I was part of those who went again to the Koba congregation in my village to revive the congregation that was almost collapsing. Last week, one student went there and this week I accompanied him.
Koba village is my home village. We are struggling with getting the zinc that we shall use on the roof, because the congregation is always disgraced by rain when it meets them during worship.
It is not an easy journey to get to Koba Village. I am having body pains and tiredness because of the trip, but the glory belongs to God for helping me to come back home safe, even though I met my wife sick. Please keep her in your prayers.
I was able to teach the brethren in Koba this morning, encouraging them to keep working from John 9:4. They should not be discouraged as many in the village pass by and laugh at them because of the nature of their worship hall. Some fell away from grace because of this, but some stayed, knowing that Christians can worship any where. Please pray for these brethren who love the Lord but lack many things to make them comfortable in the house of God.
Our presence during the worship today continues to provide encouragement. Oh how I wish we could get a student there weekly that will help change the mentality of the villagers and win some souls to God.
Sister Kathy obeyed the gospel after she accused the student that went last week. She was carried away by philosophy that she was learning from college, so she was not ready to reason from the scriptures and try to understand what the scriptures are saying about God’s existence and many other issues. This week I was there and the student, brother Mokwe, continued again with Ps. 14:1. She looked upon her philosophical knowledge as useless. Keep her in your prayers to grow so that many of her friends will come to know the truth and obey it. A total of 5 precious souls and 2 restorations were recorded during our weekend evangelism in Koba, Dikome and Ediki congregations respectively.
The Koba congregation is witnessing growth. Last week they worshiped with 28 and this week they worshipped with 58. It shows a great improvement, as many are eager to listen to us as we move from house to house. I pray we do to Koba as we have done with other congregations by sending students weekly. It will be of great help when the hall under construction is completed. Please keep this work in your prayers.
1) We are getting more invitations for our students to come over to different congregations to help. Our hands are short to meet up.
2) Next month our students will go for their first campaign of the year that will show marking time towards their graduation come this year on the 11th of December. Keep our thoughts and visions in your prayers.
God bless you for all that you are doing for His work here. Keep on because only God can give you the best reward. We appreciate you from our hearts and we pray God continues to bless you and watch over you, the congregation, and your entire family.
Do your best to share this report with others.
Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW