As part of the curriculum, Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies embarks on an evangelistic campaign every quarter. For this quarter, Gotaani, a town in the Zabzugu Tatali District of the Northern region, was chosen for the campaign. Gotaani has a young congregation which was started last year by one of the graduates of the Institute, therefore, the evangelical campaign was done there in order to edify the members and also to help win more souls for the Lord.
Students preparing for the Day’s Work.
The students did the campaign under the supervision of brother Agyei Mensah and brother Tony Johnson who are both instructors.
During the 4 day evangelical campaign, all students, during the day embarked on house to house personal work in which they discussed with families “the essence of becoming Christians.” Then, in the evenings, movies on Abraham, the passion of Christ and Jesus story were shown each night after which a sermon was preached. The speakers included Agyei Mensah, Tony Johnson and Ishmael.
Students Sharing the Gospel with the people of Gotaani
By the grace of the Lord, two persons were baptized during the campaign and on Sunday during worship, (10) ten persons responded to the call. In all a total of (12) twelve souls were saved.
The Preacher, Brother Bilaam was very happy about the results of the campaign and promised to make further follow-up since there are hopes of more people being converted.
Students Baptized Those Who Believed
The worship on Sunday was attended by (58) fifty-eight adults and (95) ninety-five children, totaling (153) one hundred and fifty-three congregants.
Brother Daniel Agyei Mensah Baptized One of the Ladies Who Believed The Gospel
Apart from the fact that students had to walk long distances during the campaign, which brought about delays in scheduled activities in the campaign in general was very successful. It is our fervent prayer that the Lord, through our sponsors, provide us with a bus to enhance our activities.
Brother Daniel Agyei-Mensah assisted one of those who accepted the Gospel in baptism. All twelve newly baptized members of Gotaani Church of Christ stood with brother Daniel Agyei Mensah.
Students of TIBS Explaining the Gospel to a listening Crowd
By the grace of the Lord, the team has since returned home safely.
Baah Joseph Okyere
To see brother Baah’s report with pictures, please click here.