Markers Of God's Hand Working In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We thank you for your commitment to the gospel and for the lost of this world. Your response to our “Thanksgiving Challenge” was met with great enthusiasm and support. We have been blessed for the past 16 years with good friends and supporters making this mission effort of God’s one of the best on the planet. We genuinely believe 2015 will be one of, if not the, best years ever. 

Last week was one of those “markers” that we are able to witness and know God is having His way through the Tanzania mission effort and is changing lives for the better. Our good brother, Michael Losotwa, a graduate of the ACSOP, current dean of academic instructor and co-evangelist for the Kisongo congregation, was asked to direct the “Ninth Annual Future Preacher's Training Camp.”  He accepted and did a power job. 

This year’s intake of campers was 43 in number representing 16 different congregations. Today 14 year old Baraka (translated, blessing) taught an amazing lesson of “True Love,” really impressive on so many levels. 

We did a short survey of our student body that I believe illustrates the good being done through the avenue of “entrusting the Word to faithful men, that in turn they might teach others). We asked and they answered the following 8 questions:

1)     How many baptisms from their home congregations and that they taught and baptized? 176
2)     How many new congregations have they been a part of this year? 46
3)     How many congregations restored back to the truth? 14
4)     How many campaigns where they took part of this year? 27
5)     How many lectureships? 23
6)     How many youth conference and or camps? 30
7)     How many Bible studies did they conduct? 200
8)     How many denominational preachers did they teach who obeyed the gospel? 8

Yes, what God controls, GROWS! The Lord’s church in East Africa is growing day by day thanks to God’s amazing grace and love, your prayers and support, and the hard work of God’s faithful here in East Africa. Thanks be to God, great things He is doing. 

We wish you all a very happy holidays. We hope and we pray God blesses you with good friends, good Christian fellowship, and lots of good holiday food. 

Please continue to remember Granny in your prayers. She continues to have chronic bronchitis and is having to take some strong drugs and lots of breathing treatments. Stephanie is doing a great job “nursing” her along the way. Granny has several doctors’ appointments in January. We are hopeful she can make the long hard trip back to the U.S. on the 8th of January. 

Until all have heard...

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on December 21, 2014 .