Greetings, Gratitude, And An Appeal From Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. Your brothers and sisters in Christ send greetings of the season to you, your family, and the entire congregation. We are doing better in health and life after the graduation and other activities. We do hope this mail finds you all doing well in all that you are doing.

I am writing on behalf of many here to thank you all for all that you have allowed God to use you to accomplish in Cameroon. We truly lack the words to give you in appreciation of all your sacrifice to make things happen in CBIW and in our ministries here in Cameroon.

We send our sincere appreciation to you for loving the Lord and His church here in Cameroon. You made it possible for us do what the Lord called us to do in expanding the gospel of Jesus in our communities and country.

We thank you for your fervent prayers and lifting us up to God daily. We say thank you for your prayers meant a lot to us and the work we are doing.

We thank you for all the gracious words of encouragement to us as we serve. Those words were a great source of motivation and driving force for us to move ahead with the task laid for us.

We thank you for the fellowship we share physically, for those who visited us, through emails, phone calls, and otherwise.

We thank you for your financial support to help train men to preach the gospel. Your timely support help students to eat, buy personal needs, handouts, health care accommodations, and others.

We thank you for spending your time to prepare notes that were used here. Thank you for loving us.

We thank you and pray that God will bless you, keep you strong, and open more doors for you to do more for the work here. God alone will be able to replenish, repay, and bless you abundantly for all the good work you are doing for the Lord.

Please permit me make an appeal.

1) Keep praying for us and the work here.

2) Keep praying for the new work we envision as we move to 2015.

3) Please, if you want to get a report from our graduates, give me your email to give to them.

4) Please, some evangelists in newly and revived congregations pray for a small support that can help them establish their ministries.

God bless you as you prepare to increase the shores of your services in His ministry. Thank you and enjoy the few more days before 2014 goes into the annals of history.

God bless you. I will start reporting again God's willing from the 2nd of January 2015 when we shall have the next batch of students.

Elangwe and family

Posted on December 21, 2014 .