The New Class In Kenya Is Commended For Evangelistic Fervor...

My dear brethren,

Receive greetings from your Kenyan family. We trust that you are doing well in Him.

“… you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man's blood on us” Acts 5:28. That cannot be said of us in Kisumu yet, but we have the right workforce using the available resources to accomplish the Lord’s will.

“Very evangelistic minded students,” that’s my evaluation of the KSOP second class so far. It’s amazing how the second class of students is taking seriously evangelism and pulpit preaching. Led by Elias Omollo, the students have been knocking doors and that has led to great Bible classes established and visitors coming to our worship services for the last four Sundays.

One of the families that they studied with astonished them when the man of the house declared, “You have answered all my questions accurately by the Bible, what must I do to be saved?” We pray the family will obey the gospel soon.   

Two former students, Joseph and Jacob, that graduated from the first class are camping in a small center near Mumias town preaching in a village and have been leading worship services. They intend to win more to Christ and plant Lord’s church. Thus far, two have been baptized and seven adults are assembling every first day of the week.

Nixon, also a former KSOP graduate, has been actively involved in the Lord’s work, joining the new students at KSOP for evangelism and preaching at Hellena court.

Korir, another KSOP graduate, wrote on October 13th, “The Lord added three souls to His kingdom yesterday, much thanks to God for that.”  And on October 26th, he wrote again, “The Lord added two souls to His kingdom, thanks to GOD.” This is just to mention a few.

The men are in the Lord’s field and working. Thank you for your prayers and assistance to enable this.

We are doing well with the classes at KSOP and everything is according to schedule. We expect the short course teacher at the end of the week, Obadiah Omutele, who will teach Personal Evangelism.

God bless your great work in the Kingdom.

His servant,
Charles Ogutu

Posted on November 9, 2014 .