Great News Summarizes The Theme From Arusha...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We greet you with hearts of thanksgiving and much joy. It is such a blessing to be a part of God’s family and to know we have you, our faithful friends and supporters, backing us in our efforts to seek and save those who are lost here in East Africa. 

There are two things we can take great comfort in as Christians. First of all, we can take great comfort and solitude in the fact our God is the God of Love. He loves us even when we are unlovable. He forgives us when we turn to him with a heart of repentance. He calls us His friend when we serve Him in righteousness. He will never leave us nor forsake us, unlike so many others in our lives. Secondly, through His providential care he answers our faithful prayers. Even when we doubt, he gives us assurance. When we are walking through the valley of pain and sorrow, He gives us hope.  When we see no hope, He brings Hope to our lives. Yes, being a child of God is what matters most. 

GREAT NEWS! Last week, we announced the most amazing news. Two of our dear friends and co-labors in the Kingdom committed and challenged God’s people with a pledge of $57,500. This years “Thanksgiving Challenge” with these matching funds has the potential to save countless souls. 

GREAT NEWS! The response has been overwhelming. Three congregations and six individuals (that we know of) have committed, are you ready, over $26,000 to be matched. That’s correct, we are half way. As great as that is, we still have the other half “laying on the table.” Please prayerfully consider this great need, opportunity, and challenge. To read a copy of the last week’s report, click here. Please read it again, print it, and give to your church leaders and fellow christians, that God’s will might be done. 

We have a busy time ahead of us here in Tanzania. Over the next three weeks our dear friends and co-workers, Sean and Anita, will return. Please keep them in your prayers, they are both having some health issues and are in need of God’s help. The Gaines’ family is preparing for their first furlough after serving on the mission team for a year. They will be leaving in two weeks and are also in much need of our prayers. 

Mike Greene and Dale Jenkins will be coming to teach short courses at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, bringing this school year to an end. Graduation will be November 29th, when eight men will begin a new chapter in their lives as “equipped evangelist” in God’s Kingdom. Please remember them, their families, and their ministries as they strive to do the will of God throughout their lives. 

Thank you all for your love of God, the Gospel of Christ, the Church of our Lord and, yes, for the lost of this world. Together, we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us. Amen!

MORE GREAT NEWS: When we thought it could not get any better, Katelyn, our daughter-in-law, delivered a healthy baby boy, Remington Gray Stafford, our tenth grandchild. We thank God for answered prayers. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie, Granny

Posted on November 9, 2014 .