The Last Campaign Before Graduation Yields 14 Precious Souls...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu. We do hope this report meets you all in good faith. We are doing better, even though many people are sick here. As we transit from the rainy season to the dry season, it makes many sick. I slept in the hospital with my son, Breedlove, who was sick of severe malaria.

We thank God that we were happy to welcome elder Randy and his wife, Robin, to Wotutu. Elder Randy is from the overseeing congregation for CBIW. He is here with his wife to teach the Pastoral Letters. This will be the last course that will get our students into the field for harvesting. The prayer of Jesus is being answer daily, “The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Keep your prayers going to God for more workers. We shall graduate 25 evangelists to go into the field, whereby they will implement all that they studied in school to depopulate hell so as to populate heaven. We shall be matriculating 22 freshmen come next week during our graduation, which is always a twin occasion for both matriculation and graduation.

Keep praying for these programs.

My wife and our students traveled with some members of our congregation on our way to Mamfe for our last mass evangelism. We all returned safe and sound without any problem.

I also rode as part of the hired van, moving to Mamfe. The trip took us 11 hours from  Wotutu.

My wife and a sister in Christ traveled with our student, Elangwe Crispus, on house to house evangelism. This ended up with the Lord adding 14 precious souls in the congregation there. Keep them in your prayers.

Elder Randy and his wife attended our worship this morning with the Wotutu congregation. It was a blessing for us to have them, as I was assigned for Bible class today. Brother Randy helped teach the class for me, as I was tired because of the sleepless night with my son in the hospital.

Sister Robin taught our sisters today during the sisters class in Wotutu, providing good songs and lessons to teach children.

Our graduation is at hand. Keep praying for the success of the program.

Many thanks to you and the entire congregation for their support towards this work faithfully. God alone will reward you for all the sacrifice.

Do your best to share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on November 30, 2014 .