A "Wonderful" Day Characterized The Recent Graduation In Arusha...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

What a joy it is to be a part of God’s family, knowing we have you as our faithful friends and supporters. God is blessing His work here in Tanzania continually and mightily through answered prayers and by the power of His gospel. We thank you for your partnership in the gospel, bringing salvation to countless souls every day. 

Yesterday, was a very special day. We were blessed to witness eight men at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching graduate, along with ten others from three of our Bible schools. A very special thank you to our brother Dale Jenkins for coming to teach the final short-course to these eight men and for being our keynote speaker, a truly wonderful labor of love

The Seven Wonders of the Day:

1.    Sean Hochdorf, director; Ahimidiwe Kimaro, assistant director; and Charles Heberth, assistant director; did a wonderful work yesterday making this the best Andrew Connally School of Preaching graduation ceremony ever, by far. 

2.    Anita Hochdorf and her sisters in Christ at the ACSOP did a wonderful job decorating and setting up for the best graduation ever here at the ACSOP. 

3.    The eight men who finished their two years of study looked wonderful in their new caps and gowns, with smiles that said it all. Stephanie and Agnes made two of the most wonderful cakes you have ever seen or eaten. 

4.    The Arusha Bible School, the Moshi Bible School, and the Kisongo Bible School did a wonderful work graduating ten souls after two years of a study of God’s wonderful Word.

5.    It was so wonderful to have our brothers Charles Ogutu and David Wasonga with us. Charles is one of our graduates, who is now serving as the Director of the Kenya School of Preaching in Kisumu, Kenya, and doing a wonderful work. Before becoming the director of the KSOP he was an active church planter, having planted eight congregations before accepting his new responsibility at the school of preaching. David is doing an amazing work at his home village of Ahono, Kenya. He, too, is active in church planting and a part of a congregation that now has elders. 

6.    To see around twenty alumni present at the graduation was also a wonderful testimony to the love and appreciation these men have for the Lord’s school of preaching here in Tanzania. 

7.    The most wonderful reality of the day was seeing God’s hand at work through His many faithful servants, prayer partners, supporters, friends, and co-workers. We are so humbled to be a small part of God’s amazing plan to save the world from their sins. We are so thankful to each of you for making this a reality. We are so blessed to be a part of such a great family, the family of God. 

We hope and pray everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with lots of family, fun, friends, fellowship, and yes, food. We, as God’s children, have so much to be thankful for.

Thanksgiving Challenge Update: I continually stand amazed at the love of God and the generosity of God’s family. As of this writing, we have received, or have commitments for, $49,675. We are only $7,825 away from reaching our goal of $57,500. The good that will be done in 2015 through these blessings, God only knows. Thank you all so very much.

Till all have heard....
In Him, Cy, Stephanie and Granny

P.S. Please continue to remember Granny (Stephanie) in your prayers.

Posted on November 30, 2014 .