ACSOP Gets Closer To Reaching The Thanksgiving Goal Challenge...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We thank our God for each of you, your love for the gospel, and your love for God’s mission work here in Tanzania. Through your continued prayers and support much good is being done in the lives of countless souls. The church grows stronger day by day and the ranks of heaven continue to grow. Thank you all so very much. 

The A.C.S.O.P. students have been blessed this past week by the teaching they received from our good brother Mike Greene. Mike serves as the minister for the Lehman Ave. congregation in Bowling Green, KY. This is the sponsoring congregation for the Gaines family who began their furlough travels today. They are to arrive in the States tomorrow, please remember them in your prayers. Mike taught the second year students on the subject of Denominational  Doctrines. The students had great things to say about the week and expressed their thanksgiving for Mike and for his elders who allowed him the time to come and teach. Thank you Mike and may your week of teaching in South Africa and your travels back to your family be productive and safe. 

The students will have a double blessing this week with the instruction from our brother Dale Jenkins. Dale will be teaching the books of First and Second Timothy and Titus. We and the Kisongo congregation were blessed to receive two lessons from Dale, one  during the Bible class hour and the other during the worship hour. He reminded us of the importance of why we study the life of Christ and importance of Receiving, Reflecting, and Responding to God’s Word from James chapter one. He shared a great quote with the church as well; “Enter for worship, leave to serve.” I say to that, amen!

Today’s worship was a joyful occasion to be sure. It was also bitter sweet. Ahimidiwe (graduate of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching, director in training, and evangelist for the Kisongo congregation) stood before the assembly, with a contrite and broken spirit, announcing the withdrawal of fellowship from four men. At least two of the men being withdrawn from, wife and family were in the assembly. It was so very sad to know four men are currently being unfaithful to the Lord and His Church. On the other hand, it thrilled my soul to its core, to see the love and concern for the purity of the Body of Christ, the genuine love and concern for the souls of these men, and to see the maturity and faithfulness of the the leadership of this congregation. 

As I have said in the past, I say again, God is having His way with His Church here in Tanzania (throughout East Africa) and His disciples continue to grow day by day. Thank you for making this possible and a reality. 

Thanksgiving Challenge (Matching Funds) Update: As of this writing, are you ready? We have received (of funds committed) in the sum of $43,550. That’s right, with the matching commitment, we are only lacking $13,950 (plus the matching funds) to reach our goal of $115,000. Please prayerfully consider this great opportunity. We need Bibles, to print bible tracts and material, make up the short fall at the preacher training school, Stafford’s furlough, etc. If you have any questions or need any information to help you in your decision o help, please let me know. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and most of all, we thank our God for your love for the Truth and for the lost of this world. 

Till all have have heard...
In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny

P.S. Please keep Granny in your prayers, she took a bad fall this week (nothing is broken). She is struggling and hurting in her recovery.

Posted on November 23, 2014 .