Students Near The End Of Their Studies...

Greetings from this end, in the name of Jesus Christ. We do hope this report finds you and the entire family doing well. We are doing our best here and the work entrusted in our hands is on good footing.

All students are doing great, as they are counting days to get into full-time ministry. Keep them in your prayers as they finalize studies, spending more time to pray and fast, and do retreats, preparing them to be vessels of honor that God will use to accomplish many things in Cameroon.

I finalized the exercise of giving out admission letters to our prospective students who will also matriculate the same day as graduation.

As I write this note, weekend evangelism is working well, as this weekend a congregation, as small as they are, who were lacking behind because their preacher left them untimely. They finally came to us, and our student, Njume Kelvin, went there and it was a day of joy for the congregation to see someone they can listen to every week. Ngousso is in Yaoundé, our capital city, and this congregation is located in the university area. This young evangelist will create lots of impact in that area. Keep this young congregation purely French community in your prayers. The gospel is for all.

One of our students, Ekelle Thiery, baptized Dieudonne Tila, a Muslim guy whose father was baptized last week. The son obeyed the gospel to become a Christian. The power of the word is doing a new thing in this family. Keep them in your prayers.

Our student, Kenechi, baptized brother Lawrence Tandi into Christ also in the Wotutu congregation. Keep this young man in your prayers as he grows to become mature in Christ.

Our other works, outside of Wotutu, continue to witness transformation and growth. The prison ministry keeps making waves in the entire prison yard, as the brethren, even in our absence, continue to share tracts and invite their friends and cell mates to come and worship with us. We can have one on one studies from the tracts. The work is going on well and we witnessed two of the brethren that were released and they are comfortable in their respective congregations in their villages. Keep this work in your prayers, it is a work for us to always show our love for the brethren there, but at times we don’t have the means to get bread for them, soap for them to wash their clothes. The major problem inside the prison yard is food, medicines, and clothing physically. Our two days a week visit to the prison is helping them spiritually. Some desire a correspondent course, like that of the WBS. This weekend, the congregation decided to put in place those who can be leaders to always see into it that every brother is doing fine in health and that they keep themselves away from the life style inside the yard.

We shall have our last campaign with the students on the 25th - 28th in Mamfe far away from Wotutu during the annual Bible lectureship. It will be mass evangelism on house to house and nurturing.

Many thanks to God for you and all the work you are doing for the Lord. We thank God daily on your behalf and we pray God’s blessing on you to keep you strong.

Share this report with others. As you pray for us, we also pray for you.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on November 2, 2014 .