Seven Years And Counting In Cambodia...

"The seven year itch" is what they call the time period where most marriages begin to fail. It's a time when either or both people start to decline in their feelings for each other. This phraseology doesn’t just apply to marriage, but to work as well. 

This month marks my 7th year as a missionary here in Siem Reap, Cambodia and I am hardly "itching." I love what I do more today than I ever did! I thank God for allowing me to be used in this part of the world. As I reflect on the fruit of my labors here, I can’t help but to be excited! I want to thank all of you who played a role in helping me and the ministry grow to where it is now. 

We started from scratch in 2007 and now the school is on its third graduating class! We've lost a few people along the way, but the ones that endure and remains are the ones we call family. It is this family that I am excited about. I truly believe that the church that meets at Siem Reap has grown to where she is now is because of two things. One, God gave the increase through sound Bible teachings via the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap and two, the opportunity that God provides in doing good works via Hannah's Hope Children's Home. 

It's so easy for me to report the number of baptisms, Bible studies, graduating students, and how many orphans we currently have, but numbers can be deceiving. Numbers do not give the complete picture of things. It gives an indication, but not the whole picture of what's going on. For those who've visited the work here, you know what I am talking about. 

Hopefully you see the love that we have for one another, the sacrifices that we make for each other, the forgiving mindset to work things out with each other, and many other intangible things that numbers do not reveal. We strive to live out the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ as laid out in the New Testament. That is what gets me excited and I can see many good things happening in the future of the church here. I look forward to sharing them with you and ask that you keep us in your prayers as we do you! Thank you once again for your love and support.

Our family of Christ enjoyed a great meal together after our hard work in building the bridge to the entrance of the church/school building.


To see the picture of the brethren, please click here.

Posted on November 2, 2014 .