A Thanksgiving Challenge Worth Considering...

Greetings Fellow Servants:

We want to say thank you so very much for your prayers for God’s Kingdom work here in Tanzania. Your prayers are being heard and God is truly giving the increase. This is a Very Special Short Report, as you will read.

This is the time of year we start looking, planning, and budgeting for the year to come. We present to you, our friends and supporters with our “Thanksgiving Challenge.” We, as Americans, have been blessed with opportunities like few others in this world. We are a very blessed people of God and with these blessings comes much responsibility. As you consider your giving for the holidays and the year to come we plead with you to continue your prayers and support for God’s work through the Tanzania Mission effort. 

Also, we have some really GREAT NEWS: We just received news from some very dear friends and supporters of God’s Tanzania Mission effort with an amazing “Challenge.” This good brother and sister in Christ have committed $57,500 in matching funds for every dollar donated to God’s work through Tanzania Missions! That’s correct, for every dollar you donate (toward the Thanksgiving Challenge), they will match it, dollar for dollar. The best “two for one deal” I can imagine. 

What this means is, the gospel will be preached bigger and better in the coming months, meaning more and more souls will be saved. We NEED YOU and we NEED YOUR HELP. I want to give you a short list of needs we have, that the work might be all it should be in the coming months. Please consider these as you contemplate giving, that others might be saved:

•We need your prayers most of all. 

•We need to make up a monthly short fall at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching.

•We need to build a meeting house at two locations: Ngordoto and Njiro Chini.

•We need to purchase a van for the ACSOP that our students might be able to go out on weekends and evangelize and work with local congregations, gaining much needed experience and knowledge. 

•We need Bibles.

•We need to print Bible tracts, correspondence courses, and other material. 

•We (Cy & Stephanie) need travel funds for our furlough trip. Also, we need help monthly to make up a short-fall we have for our health insurance needs. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we thank you. We love you for partnering with us in the greatest cause on earth, that being “making disciples.” Our decision to help, to do, to give is a matter of life and death. The spiritual well being of countless souls weigh in the balance. What will we do? Please help us reach the $115,000 challenge ($57,500 plus matching funds). 

The Challenge: Please Help Us - Help Them - Help Themselves! To God be the glory, Amen. 

Note: Any donations sent in to meet this challenge, please note on the memo line: “Thanksgiving-Challenge.” These funds will be matched.

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on November 2, 2014 .