Moving Toward The Dry Season And Preparing For Graduation...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Wotutu and the lovely brethren here. We do hope you are doing great in all that you.

We are doing great here, except for ill health because of the climatic conditions now. We are moving towards the dry season, which is why many are sick.

Students who went out for mission work during weekend evangelism are back safe and sound and the work continues to strengthen, as congregations continue to gain maturity. They are being nurtured by our students. Keep them in your prayers as they prepare for full time ministry after their graduation.

Studies went on well with the long courses and our students start their exams tomorrow and thereafter we shall travel with the students for our last evangelism with them in the Mamfe community for four days. When we return, by the grace of God, we shall meet elder Randy Martin and his wife who are coming to teach the Pastoral Letters, which will be the last course to usher the students to the field, so keep elder Randy and wife in your prayers.

The Wotutu congregation, both old and young, held hands after prayers and fasting to keep the students in God’s hands as they finalize their stay at the Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu (CBIW). It is coming to be an event that has come to stay. We shall always do this with our students before they graduate.

The students stood in front of the congregation to express their appreciation with tears as they think about their fellowship with the love and kindness of the Wotutu congregation.

Graduation preparation is going on well. Our students will appear to the public on graduation day in suit attire. We start with the thumbs up, which means “we are not alone.” They are going out with the sign, we are not alone. Your prayers will help keep them closer to God as they serve God as evangelists.

We are unable to count all the blessings CBIW is for individuals, congregations, and communities. Brother Konlack came here with his wife and his child, Damaris, but God has just blessed him again with another baby girl. We prayed for the baby after worship. Keep this young, but zealous family in your prayers as they prepare for ministry.

We shall travel for our last evangelistic mission with the students to Mamfe, about 600 miles from Wotutu, for 4 days of house to house evangelism. Keep this trip in your prayers.

God bless you. We are thankful to you for all that you are doing for the work here. We thank you and we believe God alone will reward you for such a gestures. Do your best to share this with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace, director CBIW

Posted on November 16, 2014 .