Annual Lectureship, Ladies Program, And A Holiday In Uganda...

Dear brethren,

We do thank you very much for all your support. Be assured that we appreciate very much what you are doing for the Lord's work here in Uganda. The Uganda School of Evangelism staff and the body of students wish you well in all what you are doing. Our nine Congolese students would like to go home during December holiday. We will close our second quarter on December 14th, 2014. The Annual lectureship will go from the 15th to 18th of December. The ladies program will begin on December 22nd, 2014 and go to January 3rd, 2015. To allow these Congo brethren to go home for the holiday, we need $1,150 for their transport going and coming back. That will be the only time they will be going back until after graduation. Anyone who would be willing to help in this need, please send your contribution to Woodland Oaks church of Christ in Houston. Hope to read from you.

Francis and Margaret Wechesa

To see pictures and a profile of the students, please click here.

Posted on November 16, 2014 .