A Recent Evangelism Meeting Demonstrates The Power Of God's Word...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

What a privilege it is to know our God always answers the faithful prayers of the saints. Thank you for your friendship in the gospel, a friendship that comes from the heart of a servant. God is smiling down on His mission effort in a grand way here in Tanzania. 

Yesterday, we had our area wide Evangelism Meeting. This meeting is for the Arusha area evangelists. They (we) come together to discuss the Lord’s work in the Arusha area and how best to serve one another to His glory and to the saving of the lost here in East Africa. Here are some highlights, comments, from some of the evangelist that show the power of God at work in the lives of his faithful servants:

Ayubu (Elkiurea congregation): “Prayers are needed. We have a large family, the father is ready to be baptized. We have ten good studies on going.”

Desdery (Mt. Meru congregation): “Being in a rented room is a challenge, we need a permanent place for the Lord’’s people to meet. Currently we have 7-10 active bible studies. Each Sun. morning we have a children's bible class before our worship.” 

Maurice (Njiro Chini congregation): “We are having good growth among the members. The member’s giving is good also, showing growth. Many are inviting friends and neighbors and studies are being set up. We have an invite with a group of 15 far away from the meeting place to study God’s word. We have between 17-24 on going bible studies. Our youth group is meeting with other youth in the area to grow in the Lord.

Ahimidiwe (Kisongo congregation): “We are facing many challenges, challenges are good. One such challenge is so many new converts. We have a new converts class on Sun. morning and now we have zones where each of the new converts meet in the homes of various members to study during the week. We have plans to start two new congregations because many of our members are walking long distances (4-7 miles each way).”

Charles (Kwa Mrombo congregation): “We have had a very active and busy month. We have established 10 new studies while following up on many old studies. We are using our phones to send messages to members and friends, to encourage them. We are encouraging each member to remember “one more soul”, by inviting someone new each week to services. Our numbers have grown from the 40’s to the 60’s in number through this ministry.” 

Yes, the Lord is having His way here in Tanzania, thank you for making this work possible. We are overjoyed by the good response for our “Thanksgiving (matching) Challenge.” What an amazing opportunity the Lord has brought to us via His faithful. 

Update: As of this writing, we have received $28,800 in donations toward this purpose. The goal is $52,500 that will be matched 100%. To read the Challenge Letter, please click here. Please print and distribute to as many as possible that God’s will might be done on a truly grand scale. 

We close with a note of thanks to all who have and who are making this work a reality. Countless souls are heaven bound because you cared or care. God be with you all. 

Please remember Sean and Anita as they travel back home (Tanzania). Also, our brother Dale Jenkins who will be coming this week to teach a short-course and will also be our keynote speaker at the ACSOP graduation on the 29th. 

Until all have heard...

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on November 16, 2014 .