Fifteen More Power Reasons...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

It is with mixed emotions we write to you this week. We rejoice with the Angels in Heaven for the new soul added to the Kingdom this week during the Future Preacher’s Training Camp. We rejoice in the knowledge we are on a journey to our Heavenly home. We rejoice in knowing we partner with faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in the greatest vocation known to mankind. On the other hand, we are saddened by the fact that tens of thousands of souls die every day without the salvation of Jesus. 

This is a time of the year when many pause to reflect on the past and resolve to improve in the year to come. This is a time of the year many remember Christ and what He means in their lives and to the world. Yet, many continue to live IN the world, just as the world lives, without a second thought. As we reflect on the amazing grace given to us by God through His Son, let each of us resolve to do better in the year to come, if the Lord blesses us with another year. 

Next week's Short Report will highlight what the Lord has done through His Tanzania 2000 mission effort here in East Africa this year. One such “highlight” was this past weeks 8th annual “Future Preacher’s Training Camp.” The “highlight” of the camp was most definitely when Jackson, a son of Naomi Hango (Moshi Christian lady), was baptized. He along with most of the 15 FPTC participants, also attended the Tanzania Christian Camp the week before where 17 souls were added to the Church of our Lord. John Rice and his family also held a camp in Dar last week, 15 souls obeyed God’s Word.

Christopher Mwakabanje has been directing this FPTC camp, with the help of several other Tanzanian Evangelist like, Desdery Massawe, David Bayi, Gasper Julius, Michael Losotwa, and others. It is such a blessing to see the local evangelists “take over” the leadership roles in the various aspects of this mission effort. A very special “Thank You” to Roger Shepherd for bringing this camp to TZ eight years ago.

With humble hearts of gratitude we say, “Thank you all for a job well done”. Thank you to all our friends and supporters. Without you the thousands of saved souls here in East Africa may very well still be wandering in darkness, lost and without hope. The good being done in the Church is due to the Power of God, His Word and the Great Team of Supporters and Workers. 

We wish you all a very Happy Holiday Season. Our hope and our prayer is that the Lord blesses you with good health, a great time with family and friends and if He wills, a better New Year in His service. 

We truly do love and admire each of you for your prayers and support. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny 

Posted on December 23, 2013 .